Yesterday was a less than stellar day. I spent the majority of it wallowing in self pity and laying on some soft-ish surface in the house.
It wasn’t one of my better days. Probably one of the worst actually.
It started out with the boys collectively behaving THE worst they have EVER behaved in church this morning. See, the Find a New Church in the New Town Tour continues (there are A LOT of Catholic churches here) and I’m kinda surprised this one didn’t kick us out. Maybe because I did it first. After communion I motioned to Tim (who had been in the back with Little G for the elventy-billionth time) and we headed out before the final blessing. We NEVER do that, but we’d had it up to here {picture me motioning to the top of my and Tim’s foreheads…}!!
I guess the idea that we even have to find a new church got to me, reminded me of all the other new things I’m having to find these days and basically sent me into a day of depression.
Meanwhile my wonderful husband took care of the boys, cleaned up his office, got rid of the rest of the empty boxes (via craigslist), cooked dinner and let me wallow as I wished.
I did make it out to Babies R Us to take my mind off of the dreaded “we’ve moved and it sucks” subject and put it back on “I’m Having a Baby Girl!!” and registered for a few things. Some friends back ‘home’ are having a shower for me in a few weeks and I figured I’d better let them see what we need. I think I gave a pretty clear message with all the pink and purple things I scanned.
But I didn’t actually smile yesterday (I don’t think) until I got back online and remembered my friends here. I was reminded of my upcoming trip to BlogHer, that there are several moms out there in twitterland with their oldest child starting Kindergarten soon, like me, and that well, my friends on the “interwebby/twiterscape” (as the hubs and I like to refer to it) are rockin’. No, it’s not a replacement for my IRL friends but it’s certainly a community I’ve come to depend on in many ways.
So, thanks for making me smile, as usual. And to my InRealLife friends reading… expect more phone calls and emails from me until we get more settled. I miss y’all bunches…
Isn’t twitter and the web great? I don’t think I would get adult conversation without it some days. Can’t wait to see pics of your new little one. Have a great day!
I love the community we all have here, it’s so nice to know we can lean on one another.
I’m gonna check out your registry…I can’t wait to buy little pink frilly things!
i am so glad you are able to find some comfort in all of us bloggy and twitter friends! I cannot imagine how hard it must be to uproot!
I wish we had a babies-r-us close by! The closest one to us is about a 3 to 4 hours drive. It makes me a little sad!
I honestly can’t imagine my life with out my internet friends now. They rock!! See you Thursday
I’m so glad you’re get to go to BlogHer. Have a super wonderful time – you deserve it!!!
Thursday cannot get here soon enough! Hugs and since we’ve already met a few times, do I fit in the IRL friends category?!
I hope today goes much smoother for you!
It must have been something in the air yesterday because my boys were HORRID in church. And usually they are so good. Tommy actually had a meltdown in the middle of the aisle. It was insane. I have NO IDEA what got into those sassy boys.
Sorry you had such a rotten day. “Momma said there’d be days like this.”

Hope today goes much more smoothly. And yes. Thinking of all that pink certainly does help, doesn’t it?
I hate the “find a new church” project. We moved to Oregon 2-ears ago and I still haven’t found the right one!
we miss you too girl! and yes, pink and purple will be NEEDED in your house very very soon!
I remember when we moved away from my home town and family, I sat on my tile entrance at the new house for an entire afternoon. Back up against the door…just sitting and crying…
Routine does come back, trust me…it takes some time.. you are working through it and have great support in Tim.
Smile, you have a baby girl on the way!!! Yay!!!
It is such a great network and such strong connections are made online, I agree. I know you will have a great time at BlogHer – I can’t wait to read all about it! I hope you’re having a better day today, hon!
Aw, glad we can make you smile.
Can’t wait to meet you!!
i get it. i do. the community and the wallow in self pity days.
you are totally allowed my friend. wallow days make the happy days even better
Hope you’re having a better day!!!
Just came by to commiserate. We moved (six months ago…) and I’m still lonely for new friends and terribly missing the ones I left behind.
If it wasn’t for my bloggy friends, I would be lost. So I guess what I’m saying is THANKS and have a so much fun an BlogHer. I so wish I was going… maybe next year
Hi, Elaine! We do miss you guys here at MBS and hope that your church-hunting days will be over soon and that you’ll find a good fit for your family. Much love!
Hang in there! On the plus side…at least it isn’t the ONLY church in town!
Oh goodness, sorry bout that. Must have been a day for the boys…my son said for everyone to hear “We do to much singing.” Yeah. That was the last of a quite eventful mass with him!
I was at Babies R Us this afternoon, oh my did they have some cute stuff. I need to get married so I can have another baby!!
So glad I can be here to make you smile, feel the same way about you guys!
I’m coming over so we can sit on some softish stuff together – sounds delightful. I’ll bring the bevvies, you make the cupcakes and we are set!!! I’m giving you the best Canadian/Greek hug I can muster – its a good one I promise!!!
I’m coming over so we can sit on some softish stuff together – sounds delightful. I’ll bring the bevvies, you make the cupcakes and we are set!!! I’m giving you the best Canadian/Greek hug I can muster – its a good one I promise!!!
We all have “those” days, I’m glad you shared it with us!
So sorry Elaine! I’m glad your awesome hubby gave you a chance to relax while you were down….He’s a keeper for sure!
I’m sorry you’re having a rough time…I hope things settle down soon!