I’ve never really been surprised at the generosity of people. In my experience my family and friends have always been giving and generous with their time, talent and even hand-me-downs (just FYI, I LOVE ‘hand-me-downs…)
People you’ve never met in real life? Giving you things?
It’s still surprising to me.
Not because I think it’s weird or would turn my nose up at anything people are willing to give me. I’m just surprised that they would extend their generosity to ME, someone they only know through the internet.
But alas, it happens because guess what…. my internet friends are THE BOMB.
Sue from My Home in Wellington sent me these cute things (as well as a charm that is not pictured because it’s so tiny). I won a little contest on her blog a while back and received this awesome New Zealand tee (for me!) as well as the darling hat and socks for Baby K. How sweet is that? And from across the world. Very cool.
And, my friend 3Boys1Mommy (linking you to her twitter profile b/c I’m not sure she even blogs anymore!) sent these for the baby. A Sophie the giraffe teether which I’ve heard WONDERFUL things about and is so cute and this great peacock toy (that is NOT a hand-me-down from her brothers – YAY!)
Thank you so much ladies, it’s so nice of you to send gifts and my heart is full.
I’ve also received several awards from blog friends lately and I have to say it’s kind of hard right now to follow all the rules for them but I do want to acknowledge the bloggers who “gifted” me with them and maybe someday I’ll get around to passing them all on… please don’t think I’m a slacker.
This pretty little gem came from Kirsten at Living in a Girls World. Isn’t is just the cutest? I’m supposed to award it to some newer blogs I read so I guess I have to give it right back to her! : )
I will also send it on to Erin at The Mother Load who quickly became a bloggy friend!
Kim at Prairie Mama (who I just bought a beautiful baby sling from -she’s so talented!)
Lady Mama who just seems way cool, I have to say.
I also received the Honest Scrap award from Mendie at The Little Ladybuy That Could.
With this one I am supposed to post 10 things you don’t know about me but I consider myself pretty transparent so here are a few that I’m coming up with ‘on the fly.’
* I am a little A.R. about how I like my towels folded and therefore my husband refuses to fold them.
* I regret not traveling abroad in high school or college.
* I fantasize daily about moving back ‘home.’
* I spank my children on occasion (dont’ judge me, or do, I don’t really care…)
* I consume WAY too much sugar (but y’all already knew that one, didn’t you??)
K, that’s all I got today…
And sorry, but not passing this one on right now…
And the last award comes from my pal Erin at The Mother Load.So cute and sweet of you Erin, thank you!
I pass this one on to Kami, Lisa, Christie, Christina, Nicole and Maria.
I could go on and on…
Thanks to ALL of my wonderful blog friends for the gifts, awards and for being there to read the every day happenings and goings on in my life. It all means a great deal to me.
What a handful of blessings you have today!
Thanks for sharing about them!!!
Get some rest!
you are more than welcome! you laid them out so nicely and they photographed so well – glad u like it all
Lookin good! And I love hand me downs too!
The blogging community really is awesome. My bloggy love is still yet to come to you and baby K!!! It should be on its way very soon.
I love that photo is your last post. It’s adorable to see your two boys doting on baby K.
that’s awesome. I’ve learned that friends are friends, it doesn’t matter if they are “IRL” or through the computer.
Certainly a lot of gifts!!! That is SO awesome! You deserve it 100%!
You – or should I say Baby K – will LOVE Sophie. My eldest son did and I’m pretty sure my 12 wk old son will too!
beautiful gifts and great friends!
Since my last name is Zealand, my mom said everytime she delivered one of us the doctor woud,say, here is another New Zealand.
People are so nice. I like that.
You totally deserve the spoilage – you are a good friend (and sweet girl) Elaine.
Congrats to you!
How wonderful to receive such gifts. And of course the awards are well deserved!
That Supermommy, always has to show up your other slacker friends *waves*.
Ha! Kidding. You deserve it!
And you are on the top of my friend list too, thanks for the shout out.
I am right there with you on the too much sugar, the occasional spanking, and the not traveling or studying abroad. I even graduated a semester early with exactly the number of credits I needed, so I had a semester to spare! And since I had scholarships for everything, I could have paid for one semester of study abroad. But oh well, I’ll make up for it someday.
I hope all is going well. Remember for every crazy, overwhelming day there will be one that goes better than expected. I wish I lived nearby so I could bring you dinner and dessert.
Elaine, you are my new best friend.
Not only are you supermom, but you spank your kids occasionally?
You have no idea how much better you just made me feel. I do it too sometimes, and I feel horribly about it (& I don’t like admitting it b/c some people do judge). But sometimes I just can’t get through to them, they don’t listen, and they disrespect me.
But anyway…thank you for being so honest, and thank you for the award. I really admire you!
Great stuff! and congrats on the Awards too…I didn’t know kim made slings…If i ever do have a third I’ll have to check those out. Congrats on the awards
The bloggy community really is so cool, isn’t it?! It’s no wonder you’re raking in all the “virual” and “actual” gifts, considering how sweet and real you are. Not to mention, your baby girl is REALLY cute. :o) Thanks for passing along the friends button, too! Oh, and thanks also for letting admitting to spanking the little rascals from time to time. :o)
Aww, thank you so much! You’re very sweet. What nice things you were sent – I love getting things in the mail. And I too have heard good things about Sophie the giraffe! Hope your little girl enjoys it.
You know why they sent you all that? They love you! You are a doll . . . oh, and that little one. She is so, so beautiful!!! She reminds me of Little A . . .
Baby girls . . . lovely.
This is so nice to hear! Good bloggy friends are the best!