We saw the “wee one,” baby #3, the peanut, the kidney bean… yesterday. And it was as spectacular as it has been the previous two times. Especially that little baby heartbeat, just blinking away at us.
And we were relieved that there was only uno bambino (that’s a little shout out to
3B1M, whose blog name I’ll be stealing it if it’s a boy). Not that there was really any concern about that, but still.
So here’s the baby’s first photo! My official EDD is October 7th, which just so happens to be my nephew Matthew’s birthday.

Just a quick poll, if you’d let me know in the comments. What do you all think about the genetic screening? I’m scheduled to do it at my next appointment (which is on my birthday) in four weeks but I think I’m going to opt out of it. I didn’t do it with my other two pregnancies and it won’t change anything. So, tell me, what would you do?