Nicole @ As Many As We’re Given tagged me for this fun little meme a little while ago.
A. Attached or Single? Thoroughly attached to the love of my life, Tim.
B. Best Friend? Same guy as above
C. Cake or pie? Cake. Chocolate cake thanks. Got any? Ok, fine. Chocolate pie is good too…
D. Day of choice? Like of the week? Saturday then.
E. Essential Item? Oh c’mon people. Do I HAVE to repeat myself? CHOC-CO-LATE!
F. Favorite color? The color in my bathroom, a spa-like blue/green
G. Gummy bears or worms? Sour worms. YUM!
H. Home town? Austin, Texas
I. Favorite Indulgence? Time at the spa
J. January or July? July. I hate to be cold. Even in TX.
K. Kids? 2 (of the cutest!) boys
L. Life isn’t complete without? Family, God, clean sheets, humor, love
M. Marriage date? 11/6/99
N. Number of brothers/sisters? 3 brothers/ 0 sisters
O. Oranges or Apples. Both, but an orange has to be really sweet & juicy
P. Phobias? Tornadoes
Q. Quotes? “To thine own self be true.” – Shakespeare. First one I could think of…
R. Reasons to smile? There are so many… My 3 guys, a rain shower, my newly remodeled kitchen, little boy giggles, a clean house, time with family, vacation coming up, a good movie, a beautiful song, friends, etc, etc.
S. Season of choice? Spring. OH how I love the blooming flowers and trees and all the green!
T. Tag 5 People. Steph, Anna, Hannah, Kristen and Krystyn
U. Unknown fact about me? For a little while I seriously considered going to college in NY but I didn’t want to be that far from my family and well, the funds weren’t there… And of course I have 3 good reasons why it’s good that I stayed in Texas! : )
V. Vegetable? As in favorite? Asparagus
W. Worst habit? Nail biting
X. Xray or Ultrasound? U/S for babies!
Y. Your favorite food? This is too easy! Starts with a “C”
Z. Zodiac sign? Aries
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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