The boys and I went to a local outdoor farmer’s market this morning. The B Man tried his first plum (I’m not a fan so I’ve never offered them up before) and we found a watermelon that was YELLOW on the inside. Me no likey. Nevermind that it was mealy on the inside, but yellow? That’s just wrong.
I left it cut open on the counter and the elusive fly that constantly escapes my swatter was having a field day. Have at it dude.
I did laundry this morning and although it’s one of my least favorite chores, for some reason today I was just thankful to have a washer and dryer. I held the boys shirts up to my nose as I pulled them out of the dryer, taking in the sweet smell of little boy mixed with dryer sheet.
The boys and I feasted on a fruit salad full of fresh fruity goodness and after wiping the juice form our chins, we hardly had room for anything else for lunch.
After we ate they played together, hit each other, there was some screaming, some hugging, some tears and some love, just as there is most days.
It rained (again!) off and on most of the afternoon and once it stopped for a bit I headed out to the mailbox. I was excited to find magazines in the box. For some reason they make a house feel more like my home, so yeah, it was good they were there today.
This evening after Tim came home he played the Jason Mraz song “The Remedy” and I started couch dancing with Little G in my lap. I loudly sang, “I won’t worry my life away…” as Little G looked at me with his big grey/green eyes and I kissed his button nose. He smiled at my smile and I smothered him with my lovin’. THE BEST.
Today I am thankful for the little things. Farmer’s markets, plums, little boy shirts, rain, magazines, music (although a BIG thing to me actually), little noses and yes, even flies…
For more Wordful Wednesday (and this definitely qualifies) visit my friend Angie at Seven Clown Circus.
That. Looks. Awesome.
Oh yum! Kate and I left the beach and stopped at the store on the way home to pick up some fruit. We munched on the best tasting grapes on the way home.
Gotta love summer fruit.
Happy WW!
Wonderful, wonderful things to be thankful for (except the flies, I don’t know about those). Thanks for reminding me to appreciate the little things. That’s a reminder I can’t get too often.
YUM! I love a good bowl of fresh fruit and yours looks delish!
Funny you mention this yellow watermelon… Adam is obsessed with them! I didn’t love it either, but Adam thinks it’s the best watermelon he’s ever had. We’ve actually gone through two, in the last few weeks. I kind of wonder how they got it yellow? What’s the hybrid? hmmmm
yummmmmmmm……..nothing better than fresh fruit salad!
Love Jason Mraz!!! Have you seen him perform live?
Lovely post Elaine – a beautiful reminder of the joy to be had in everyday moments.
It’s always the little things that give us back our perspective! So happy to hear your settling in to your new home.
What a lovely post….so nice to appreciate the everyday things in life that we can overlook!
I wish we had a good farmers market around here! Sounds like a lovely day!
This post is pure poetry.
I love it!
See you tomorrow!!!!!!!!
Looks like a wonderful fruit salad, it IS the little things. . .
Glad you are feeling better! It IS the little things!!
Looks yummy.
My kids love red watermelon, have never tried yellow. Seriously, my Buddy (almost six) can eat a quarter watermelon by himself in one sitting. Crazy.
Sounds like things are picking up. Enjoy Chicago!
I am not a huge fan of fruit, but that salad looks delicious. I think I’ll pass on yellow watermelon-ew.
So glad you had a nice day!!
Yummmmm we love fruit
it really is the little things isn’t it? and the fruit looks delish!
YUM! I love farmers markets. and Jason Mraz.
This makes me so hungry for fruit you’d think I had scurvy!
Yum indeed:P
Thank goodness for the little things! Looks delicious, too.
Your post made me smile with all its sweetness – I can imagine how adorable you all are together, just by reading your words. Pretty perfect.
Your post made me smile with all its sweetness – I can imagine how adorable you all are together, just by reading your words. Pretty perfect.
Yum! That makes me want to go carve up the cantaloupe in my kitchen right now.
PS – You’re already 29 weeks?! YAY! Almost done!
Wonderful post, Elaine!! It really is the little things that matter.
Beautiful Elaine, thanks for sharing the beauty in everyday things!
and also?
ARE you there yet? And are you having fun yet? BLOGHER baby!
Love this post, Elaine. I love it.
Wow! I’ve never wanted a bowl of fruit more.
Your post is so heartwarming. I love those little times together when you least expect you’re going to make some great memories.
Those are such wonderful things to be thankful for. Thanks for sharing :o)
The little moments are what life is made of. I went to view pictures of the boys we had taken last week and cried. They have grown up so fast and i am afraid i have missed too much. I hope i can always remember the smell of little boys even after they are all grown and have families of their own.
And great post. It’s good to remember all we have to be thankful for.
When the days are tough (which seems often around here for me), I just love to sit and watch my boys sleep – I’m always amazed at how that little thing just brings me back to how blessed I am in so many ways!