Yesterday morning was kinda rough.
I did NOT want to get out of bed and yet I did. I fed the boys and fought The B Man’s protests to getting dressed. Once he finally gave in I knelt down to help him with his belt and the exhaustion of getting back up was a bit overwhelming.
I drove through the drop-off lane at school and when the teacher opened the door for The B Man to hop out, he refused to get out. He began to cry even. I had her close the door, telling her I would park and then took my shoeless toddler on my hip as I walked him up the sidewalk where I was informed that he was “tardy” but that he’d get a ‘by’ because he’s in Kindergarten.
So, all that was fun.
One good thing did happen. The church that I wanted Little G to go to for Mother’s Day Out called and Hallelujah, they have a 2-day spot for him! So, after a quick shower, we loaded up and went to fill out the paperwork to get him registered. I also stopped by a furniture store to look at twin bed’s for Little G since he’s going to have to give up the crib soon (which is toddler-bed like now since we took the front off a week ago).
I was hoping to head to Target for some retail therapy (in this case to buy some baby girl things) but it started to pour and there was no way I was going to deal with a toddler (I also need a new ironing board) and my purchases in the pouring rain. My dream of diaper bags and girlie onesies quickly fell flat. You’d think we moved to the blasted tropics or something. It’s rained A LOT lately…
So, Little G and I came home where he wanted me to watch him play trains and I wanted to pass out, which I did once he went down for his nap. I woke up just in time to clean up the train mess for The B Man’s return (he’s very particular about his trains) and get Little G up.
We sat in the carpool line and when The B Man got in the car (all smiles!) it started to rain like crazy. Again. On our way to get him I thought maybe I’d brave Target with both of them. Not gonna happen. Or as we like to say in Texas “No way Jose.”
I did make brownies and they were GOOD, so there’s that. And after a healthy dinner of one of my favorite talapia recipes.
Oh and Tim came home early because the power went out at his office. Daddy home early is always a good thing in my book.
Hope you all had a good Thursday. I know I’m ready for the weekend. As I’m SURE my little Kindergarten boy is…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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