Yesterday morning was kinda rough.
I did NOT want to get out of bed and yet I did. I fed the boys and fought The B Man’s protests to getting dressed. Once he finally gave in I knelt down to help him with his belt and the exhaustion of getting back up was a bit overwhelming.
I drove through the drop-off lane at school and when the teacher opened the door for The B Man to hop out, he refused to get out. He began to cry even. I had her close the door, telling her I would park and then took my shoeless toddler on my hip as I walked him up the sidewalk where I was informed that he was “tardy” but that he’d get a ‘by’ because he’s in Kindergarten.
So, all that was fun.
One good thing did happen. The church that I wanted Little G to go to for Mother’s Day Out called and Hallelujah, they have a 2-day spot for him! So, after a quick shower, we loaded up and went to fill out the paperwork to get him registered. I also stopped by a furniture store to look at twin bed’s for Little G since he’s going to have to give up the crib soon (which is toddler-bed like now since we took the front off a week ago).
I was hoping to head to Target for some retail therapy (in this case to buy some baby girl things) but it started to pour and there was no way I was going to deal with a toddler (I also need a new ironing board) and my purchases in the pouring rain. My dream of diaper bags and girlie onesies quickly fell flat. You’d think we moved to the blasted tropics or something. It’s rained A LOT lately…
So, Little G and I came home where he wanted me to watch him play trains and I wanted to pass out, which I did once he went down for his nap. I woke up just in time to clean up the train mess for The B Man’s return (he’s very particular about his trains) and get Little G up.
We sat in the carpool line and when The B Man got in the car (all smiles!) it started to rain like crazy. Again. On our way to get him I thought maybe I’d brave Target with both of them. Not gonna happen. Or as we like to say in Texas “No way Jose.”
I did make brownies and they were GOOD, so there’s that. And after a healthy dinner of one of my favorite talapia recipes.
Oh and Tim came home early because the power went out at his office. Daddy home early is always a good thing in my book.
Hope you all had a good Thursday. I know I’m ready for the weekend. As I’m SURE my little Kindergarten boy is…
I hate days when all you want to do is sleep, but there are things to get done.
It is like a cruel joke…
At least there was those brownies……….:)
Why do days that start out just a little rough always end up to be the hardest. days. ever??
So happy that Tim was home early and the brownies were delish–those 2 things would def help turn my bad day into a good day
A canceled shopping trip is always disappointing… but two in one day? Whew!
Brownies are good.
I’m very glad B man was all smiles after school.
It was rainy here too, I hope today is better.
All I can say is, I totally understand the dread of having to get back up after having to kneel or bend or crouch for some reason…that right there can be a big downer!
The school schedule can be so tiresome sometimes. But the routine can also be good sometimes. I hope today is better. And B Man will get used to school soon, hopefully. We start next week and Buddy is very excited, but once the reality of going every day sets in, things could go downhill. We’ll see.
Brownies make everything better!! Sounds like it definitely was one of those day ….blah!! I hope things are getting better for you today!! (and again…there’s always brownies right?)
Oh and bad days are just rough when you are really really pregnant!!!
Hope you have a fabulous weekend!!
I honestly don’t know how you do it, especially being pregnant right now!! But MmMmMm—hopefully brownies made everything better?!
I hope that this weekend brings you the rest you deserve.
Bless your heart! What a crazy day for sure. Hey, at least your brownies were excellent and your hubs came home early! Great end to the day for sure.
Hi Elaine
I hope you get to sleep as much as you need to this weekend and that you have plenty of opportunities to put your feet up.
Tired, not just ordinary tired, but pregnant tired, and young children makes for some long and hard days. Hopefully some bursts of energy are just about to kick in and then you get stuck into some of that retail therapy.
Thinking of you.
I’ve had several days of wanting to just hang out in bed now….I’m hoping it’s not the beginning of a trend.
I also know the shoeless toddler routine all too well.
Hang in there lady, she’s almost here!
Chocolate saves the day once again!
I had a bad day yesterday and today has not started out great! I totally know how you feel except i dont have any brownies!
See I told you he would come home all smiles!!!!
The school schedule can be so tiresome sometimes. But the routine can also be good sometimes.
Work From Home
Yeah for brownies! Yeah for a great day at school!
Put some of that rain in a ziploc and send it to us! You know, USPS ships up to 70 pounds at one low rate!
Life will slow down after baby comes…it has to! enjoy these last few weeks as a fam of 4.
What a day! B will get used to kindergarten, but some kids just take longer to do so. Glad they have a place at MDO for G. I do hope you finally get some real retail therapy!
Wait, they actually had the nerve to even point out to a pregnant mama with a toddler that her crying kindergartner was tardy!?
Oh boy, that was a day alright. I hope Monday goes a whole lot better.
And I have been known to say No way Jose too. There’s a little bit of Texas in all of us
Or I am a thief and stole it from y’all.