One day last week while The B Man was at “summer school” and Little G was dropped off at a friend’s house for a little play time with his pal G too (they share a name), I was off to get my teeth cleaned at the dentist. (I know, where else would I get my teeth cleaned right?)
So … I had time in the car BY MYSELF.
This is such a commodity these days. But it’s always so weird at first as I drive off because I SO expect to hear something coming from the back seat and when I hear nothing AT. ALL I am always a little freaked out and have to adjust the rear-view mirror just to make sure it’s ok to crank the music.
Music that is NOT Laurie Berkner. No offense Laurie but I am just a TEENY bit tired of you . Please don’t take it personally. You do have great hair.
Anyway, back to the dentist.
I love my hygentist. She’s the nicest lady ever and we always have a good time catching up between scrapings, polishings and suction time. I mentioned to her that I actually enjoy coming there for my cleanings these days because it’s one of the only times now that I get any “me” time. And my teeth always feel so good and well, clean, afterward. She admitted that I am not the only SAHM who has said this to her. I mean these days I am thinking that every 6 months is too long to wait… sad, I know.
So, I ask you – do you look at a teeth cleaning as “me” time or is it still something you can’t stand? (I used to NOT LIKE it as a kid). I do believe this is what my teeth look like after I leave…
So, to recap, I get like 35 minutes in the car ALONE and happy, clean teeth. It really is a good deal. Dentists everywhere are thanking me for this post. Get thee to the dentist! It’s good for mouth & soul! ; )