…since I’ve been all random-like. So guess what – it’s time again! But hey, bonus, this has a few pictures! : )
*I’ve joined a little weight loss group through twitter and it’s really helping to motivate me (except for last week while on vacay) since I feel accountable to others. I am part of a “team” and we are trying to lose more weight than 4 or 5 other teams. I am doing pretty well this week and have done some type of exercise every day so far. And there is NO chocolate in my house. This is monumental people.
* Our kitchen is finally complete…well except for the little baseboard thingy’s around the bottom of the cabinets that have yet to be replaced since the new floor was installed (hint, hint hubby). Why do I say this – because our new table came today and I puffy heart, love, love it, and am so glad it’s here!!
(can you see the little monkey poking out behind the laptop?)
*My husband brought me flowers out of the blue on Monday (see them on the table?) For some reason I have been a little “blue” lately and I can’t really put my finger on it (maybe it’s the lack of chocolate…) He of course noticed and was hoping to cheer me up and he did. I love him.
* I SO need to get my hair cut and possibly colored too. I can’t believe I’ve let my hair go dark. I used to be blond and then I wasn’t but I kept up the appearance if you know what I mean. After Little G was born I just let my hair go au naturale and now I wish it wasn’t. Now I feel like if I color it again people will know it’s fake and be like “oh, she’s blond now, wonder how that happened.” Opinions peeps?
*I’ve neglected to mention some Good Mail I have received lately but finally remembered to take a picture.
Steph sent the darling splatter paint picture frame, Yvette send cards to hand out to people that have a picture of my blog header and url – what a great idea! And Debbie sent note cards with the cute flower card. Thanks ladies! Such GREAT mail!
* I LURVE this family A lot! This is my brother Larry, his wife Kelley and their 3 beautiful children, Catherine (7), Grace (5), and Daniel (2 on Tuesday!) Daniel was my nephew that was born at 25 weeks gestation and he is so strong and such a sweet boy. He’s also our Godson, so I am a little partial. They went to the beach with us and that makes me so happy. : )
*We finally had a little repreive from the heat today. It was actually in the lower ’70’s this morning and only got up to 95! OH miracle of miracles!!And… I actually took the boys to the park OUTDOORS and no one passed out. I’m sure it will be back to 100 million degrees tomorrow.
*I am kinda hopin’ that Katie wins SYTYCD. I am not nearly as attached to anyone this season like I was Neil last season (I still miss him…) but I think overall she is the best dancer. And to think they almost didn’t put her through. Woah!
That’s all folks. Have a good one. I believe tomorrow I will summarize the beach trip. Although I pretty much can now. Fish, ocean, sand, kids, sun, birds, pool, etc. But tomorrow I will include some more pictures. For the fun of it. Ok, I’m out, for reals this time…
I think joining a weight loss group and having accountability is a great idea! That’s kind of like the WW meetings, and also blogging about progress. You don’t want to let anyone down! WELL DONE on getting all the chocolate out of the house, I KNOW how hard that is to do!
Your table is awesome, and your house looks so lovely!
How very sweet of your hubby to buy you flowers to cheer you up
Your kitchen looks amazing! I’m sure it’s sooo nice to get it done!
You need to take my swimsuit challenge – check it out on my blog…are you up for it??
Love the dining area. Ours is painted the same way.
And no chocolate…yes, you deserve flowers! Congrats on the progress. Keep it up.
that kitchen looks fab!
Congrats on that progress! Keep up the great work!
Congrats on the weight loss group!
Your kitchen is GORGEOUS! I love everything about it!! Your flowers look just right on the table, too.
I love the kitchen table!!! It looks so nice.
About the hair thing – go for it. After Evan was born I did the same thing – just let it be natural. And I decided this summer it was too ugly for words…so I got the highlight thing done and I’m SOOOOOOOOO happy.
no chocolate… oh my
kitchen table… love it
have a great day
Love your new table. Daniel has gotten so big. Noone would have ever known he started out sooo small. God is good.
The kitchen table is lovely–heck the whole kitchen rocks!!
Congrats on the weight loss group. I am trying to lose a few pounds right now too!
love random thoughts
*the kitchen, the table, the flowers and the little monkey are awesome!!
*congrats on the twitter weight group – sounds very fun. if that’s possible!
*totally understand the hair thing. been there. but i say do it. go highlight crazy. whatever is going to make you feel good. and who cares about the other peeps. it’s your hair
Love the new table. It looks great! I so go for the hair too. People really aren’t going to care and if they do so what. Do whatever makes you feel better.
Love the table, I would love to see shots of the rest of your kitchen too. This is kinda inspiring for me, one day my kitchen will be done too. Right???
Have an amazing day!
make the highlights and the haircut a reward for weight loss (better for you than a chocolate reward!). oh and you are right…it is better to have the accountability to others and when mixing in a little competition you are going to succeed!
oh and your kitchen looks fabulous, especially with your flowers. David brought me flowers this weekend after my bad day on Friday. amazing how they can cheer us up just when we need it. Good job Tim!
Love your new table, it is gorgeous! Use it in good health and have many fabulous meals on it
Do want you want with your hair and nevermind what people think. I’ve colored my hair every different color of the rainbow (I’d dye it purple if I knew my boys wouldn’t be scared) and everyone knows it is fake. But I don’t care. If you want to be blond, be blond!
I want either Katee or Joshua to win. They rock!!!
Lots of fun stuff going on! The kitchen is fab, and so is your sweer flower-bringing hubby.
Good luck on the weight loss, getting competetive with it is a great idea! I really don’t see that you have much to lose, tho.
I like your hair color, too – but you need to do what YOU like, not worry about what others think. Plenty of people color their hair, no biggie.
And umm, I’ve been so preoccupied I didn’t even notice the drop in temps. Whoops!
The new table is gorgeou! The little monkey is cute too. LOL Love your paint color.
Oooh! Nice table – way hawt!
The kitchen looks great!
Thank God for the relief in the heat. I’ve been miserable!
This heat is killer this year – totally making up for the mild summer last year, no? Still interested in pedis before dinner? Cause Holly’s in, too.
And, I love the new table, too.
That’s a great idea with the weight loss group. It helps to have others there to cheer you on. Love your new table! And kudos to your honey for the flowers. Happy POW!
Love your kitchen Elaine, the table really finishes it off! Well okay those little baseboard thingys will too but they don’t pack as much of a punch as the table. That is fabulous!
Good for you for joining a weight loss group, it’s always easier to do something when you tackle it together.
As for your hair. Go for it! A good hair stylist will make it look natural and who cares if people notice the difference. We all dye our hair these days…
Pretty table! Also, nice laptop. I kind of wish I had a laptop, but oh well.
Good luck on the weight loss. Don’t make yourself miserable though, with cutting out the chocolate. I still eat a bit here and there to keep me sane. Keep up the good work on the exercise!
Oohh!! Look at you with your fancy schmancy new dining room set!! LOVE IT! So stylish!!
Good for you joining a weight loss group and having no chocolate in the house is half the battle.
Totally know how you feel about the hair. Mine is blonde too, but since having Mia, I’ve let my highlights go. Of course it’s darker now and I feel like people will really notice when I get it highlighted again. The sun has lightened it up some this summer, so maybe it won’t be so noticeable?!
Anyway, I’m getting it highligthed next week when I’m visiting Beth in Indiana!
Congrats on the weight loss club! Maybe I should join one too. I have 15 pesky pounds I need to lose. Okay, maybe 20! I hope it goes well for you.
Love your new table and I bet you’re so excited your kitchen is done…
On the hair…I’ve let mine go dark too because of the maintenance, but can’t wait to go back to highlights.
I don’t think anyone will think poorly of you if you go for it…If it makes you feel good to go blonde…go blonde girl! To me, that is one fairly simple thing you can do as a mom to make you feel better about yourself overnight! Now, wouldn’t it be nice if weight would work like that too?
I LUV IT!~! Jealousy is killing me right about now. GREAT pic of you and the baby.