We ventured out to our little, local zoo today for some Easter-y fun. They host an event with a cute little egg hunt and photos with the Easter Bunny and music, etc.
Essentially the kids help pick up recycled eggs and then trade them in for chocolate. It’s a pretty good system, actually.
We rode the train too, the one that takes you in a circle and the ride only lasts about 5 minutes, if that, but the kids love it and you do get to see some really interesting animals like camels that spit a lot.
While on said train, B’s allergies were acting up and he had a massive sneeze. I won’t go into too many details but we needed something, like a tissue or a wipe, STAT. I don’t carry wipes with me anymore. I have them in the van (because, duh) and I grabbed my camera bag instead of my purse so we were in a nose-wiping bind.
But of course you cannot sneeze on a zoo train without being in the vicinity of another mother who is MORE than happy to offer you a spare that she happens to have in her handy little diaper bag.
God bless her. And all mothers out there who still carry wipes. You are my heroes.
I have to say, the weather this weekend was damn near perfect. It got a teeny bit warm at the zoo today but otherwise, it was amazing. On Saturday Tim and I were able to get out for a proper date night (for an early birthday celebration for me since we will not be together on my birthday this year, sad face). He arranged everything and even gave me a very special, thoughtful gift. We ate an amazing meal and then saw Silver Linings Playbook, which was really good. And then we went and sang a bit of karaoke. I know, totally cheesy, but fun.
When we came home our sweet babes were all tucked in and we watched a little JT on SNL and we laughed until the fullness of the evening made us tired and so we tucked ourselves in too, with me nestled in the crook of his right arm, just where I love to be and where I belong.
Life is good.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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