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You know it’s not REALLY all about me, right? Certainly you know me better than that. However, I will admit that taking self portraits kind of makes it feel that way.
My friend Sarah inspired me to try this project again (like she did in 2013)(I lasted until May or June, I think) and I am one month in and doing pretty well. I typically miss a day each week for some reason, who knows. I guess it’s just because I forget. Yes, that would be why. 🙂
I like this project for a few reasons…
1)It means that I am in photos too. I am (and probably you too) typically the one behind the camera, not in front of it, so I miss opportunities to be in photos. I don’t want my kids looking back some day and saying, “Mom, why aren’t you in any of the pictures?”
2) I have had learned how to use the timer on ALL of my cameras. This includes my phone. This way I know how to use any of my cameras at any time and in any place I need them (so you would think I would not miss any days, right?!)
3) I can see myself and our environment change over the course of an entire year. If the kids are in the photos (they are in some with me) I can see them change too. This year I turn 40 so I think it’s a great time to do this. For whatever that is worth. And just watching an entire year of my life in photos is gonna be pretty cool, I think.
4)I’m committed to taking at least ONE photo every day. Kind of like the 365 project, but with more ME. 😉
What I do not like so much about this project: I really SEE myself. And sometimes that is hard because I don’t envision myself the same way these photos SHOW me. It can be difficult to look at yourself that closely. Some of the photos are really hard to look at because when I see them I don’t like the way my body looks, especially from certain angles. Also, I tend to look more melancholy in these photos than I thought I would or that I generally am. My regular, just watching-something or reading-something face seems kind of sad. Those photos make me want to smile more. But then, that may not be very realistic. You know?
These photos ARE revealing, in good ways and bad. I am doing my best to focus on the good as much as I can.
I thought I would share a few of my favorites so far.
K and I at the table on a weekday morning. She goes to school later than the boys (and Tim usually takes them) so we still have a little time together in the mornings, just the two of us.
Enjoying a lovely winter day at a park near our house, K and I were watching what the dog was up to.
Another revealing thing about these? Apparently I wear my hair in a pony-tail way more than I thought I do! ha!
Would you ever do a year-long self portrait project?
You can follow along with my project on Facebook too in my 2015 Self Portrait album.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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