There is a popcorn kernel on the rug next to K’s cute silver sandals, dropped there by G. There are LEGOs on my desk in front of me that G built, a “unicorn” for each of us. He even used a Sharpie to make smiley faces on them. In the chair next to me is B, navigating Minecraft, which he actually hasn’t played in a while. I am debating in my head what to make for dinner as I look out the window, onto our back porch. Life resumes to “normal”…
I am still pretty exhausted from the weekend. It was such a whirlwind, full of adrenalin and amazing-ness.
Images of the show replay in my head, as I see them in my mind and as I see them on my phone and my camera and on my computer, in Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and Flickr. I think to myself, “I did it. I stood up there and told my story.” Along with 11 of my friends, 10 of them who are fairly new friends. All eleven who I am bonded with forever in a special way.
I gave each of our cast members a card, written out in my hotel room the evening before the show. I just happened to find these cute tree cards in Target. So I drew a line to a different leaf in the tree on the front for each of the cards and said this:
Because it’s true. Each of them is a part of my life now and each of their stories is etched on my heart. Whether funny or heart-warming, I will never forget them. Sunday afternoon, May 4th 2014 will forever have a special compartment in my mind and my soul as will these people.
What a gift, right?
Such a gift that Ann has given us.
And our cast, they were so fabulous during the show! They read the best they ever had. I am pretty sure we all did.
Jennifer and I sat in the wings and listened to each of them tell their stories for the 4th time, to us, and in the middle of it all I turned to her and said, “We did this.” I think she said the same thing to me at some point too. We were in AWE. Of it all. Of everything we had done and they had done and how it all came together so seamlessly in almost exactly 1.5 hours of wonderful. I was even in awe of her as I listened to her tell her own story, just 20 feet away from me.
Sean from The Average Supermom
I was surprised how calm I really was when it was my turn to read. My legs did not shake or anything. Sure, my adrenalin was pumping but that was a good thing, I think. I even got a bit of a laugh here or there at the beginning. The rest of it was not very funny, but more of me simply pouring out my motherhood soul. Or at least a small part of it. You can see me on YouTube someday…
I am just so very grateful for this opportunity and for these people in my life and for Jennifer especially.
They say Listen To Your Mother is life-changing and I believe it. I also believe I haven’t even begun to see all the ways that it is, although some have already revealed themselves to me.
In the end I also have to thank my sweet, precious family for putting up with me these last few, extra-hectic months. Without Tim’s support, especially, I would have not been able to travel to Texas when I needed to for auditions and rehearsals. And of course I would not be a mother, with stories to tell, without my awesome, beautiful kids.
What an amazing, exhilarating, emotional experience and day it was!
Our “Oscar selfie” before the show
So happy my Mom was able to be there!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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