Categories: LifeMotherhood

It Was Kind of a Crazy Day

I left the gym tonight while it was dark and immediately hit the power lock. I looked in the back seat just to make sure I hadn’t locked someone in with me, instead of locked them out (paranoid much?). And that’s when I started laughing at the idea that anyone else could even FIT in my backseat.

We’re talking about a CR-V that’s crammed with a booster and two car seats. No one over 7 years old is gettin’ back there. At least not comfortably.

Today was kind of a crazy day so I just wanted to make sure it hadn’t gotten any crazier with someone back there wanting to steal my wallet. Which probably wasn’t in the car anyway since it’s been in the diaper bag and two different purses in the last week. I honestly don’t know for sure where it is as I type this.

The morning started with me almost crying over spilled milk. You know, an entire bowl of little boy’s cereal on the freshly mopped-by-my-husband floor (yes my husband mops and NO, I do NOT take it for granted).

Then after frantically showering and getting ready so I could register the cereal-spilling toddler for “summer school,” I did so and then hurried on to an eye doctor appointment only to find out that they can’t see me because they do not deal in my antiquated hard contact lenses (and I was ticked because I told the person on the phone that that is what I wear…). So while the baby spilled an entire thing of Dum-Dums on the floor they found me one of only TWO eye doctors in town that still orders this type of contact (gas perm if you’re interested) and proceeded to ask why I don’t get Lasik (no thank you, do not want a laser near my eyes).

Various other little mishaps took place. You know, even more things spilled, baby poop on my hands (multiple times), etc, etc.

But at the end of the day my husband told me to go on to the gym and take the time to take care of myself. He’s awesome like that.

And since it was just me in the car on the way home (well, me and the three car seats and a pack of diapers and a stroller and Godonlyknowswhatelse) I drove on home to thank my husband for letting me get some exercise, have some ‘me’ time and just generally feel better.

P.S. Ran for 8 minutes straight! Yay!

P.P.S. Baby already outgrew the baby carrier thingy so now when she falls asleep on the way to Target (her favorite store, wink, wink) I have to actually get her out of the seat. Not so fun.

P.P.P.S. See photo below of the state of the back seat when Tim changed out the car seats. That really messy part? Yeah, that would be where the toddler sits. Go figure.



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