Both of my boys are off to school today.
Can you hear the silence?
That’s right, every Tuesday & Thursday it’s gonna be a lot more quiet around here. It will interesting to see how Little G does (he’s just a little attached to me right now) but at “meet the teacher” last week they assured me he’d be fine after a little while and because of the many distractions available.
We’ll see.
I also start my new “gig” tomorrow, babysitting my friend Lisa’s daughter, Anna. She’ll be with us full time starting next week but tomorrow is her first day with us. She is going to the same school as the boys so I will be dropping off 3 kids in 3 different rooms. Pray for me.
Anyway, I have some grand plans in my head as to what I want to do with my “free” 11 hours per week (although once I get everyone dropped off and settled it will probably be more like 10) and I thought I would make a list of what I will do with my time. This is BIG people!
* Take a shower in which I actually shave something without cutting myself. Oh and I will also remember to rinse the conditioner out of my hair and will stand under the massager from the shower head for a few minutes. Why? Because I can! : )
* Workout at the club without having to have my friend babysit (thanks Mandy!) or go after Tim gets home from work because Little G cries at the child care there and… they DON’T do diapers.
* Go to the grocery store and get a regular cart instead of one of those that you have to turn with your entire body weight, with a car in front for the kids to ride in, in which you end up taking out one or more of the end caps as you weave through the aisles. (sorry for the run-on…)
* Go shopping at Target BY MYSELF in the middle of the day. Pure heaven.
* Go shopping at the mall BY MYSELF in the middle of the day. (don’t worry honey, I won’t be spending THAT much money…)
* Do some scrapbooking. And perhaps a little more scrapbooking. And then maybe… some more scrapbooking. Catch up time!
* Go to lunch with a friend and not have to cut up anyone else’s food but mine. (Hey Mandy, when’s our first lunch date?)
* Organize closets, scrapbooking/crafting supplies, photographs, the garage.
(and if you believe all this I’ve got some ocean front property in Arizona…)
* Actually read some of the kazillion magazines that I get in the mail on the sofa instead of in the “library” only (y’all know where the library is, right?)
* Can anyone say pedicure?
Oh and there may be (just maybe) some blogging and twittering time in there. Just a guess.
So tell me, what will/would you do with your free time? It’s possible I need some more ideas. I am an over achiever like that.
Oooh, enjoy your free time!! Sadly I would probably put “housework” in there, but you might be better than me and able to get that done with kids around …
Unfortunately I don’t get much free time without the kids that’s not WORK time, but if I did, I would probably have a list similar to yours. The shopping alone thing is very tempting, as is the magazine reading and of course the scrapbooking! I don’t think you need any more ideas, those are great! ENJOY!
Oh Elaine! Can I come along on your day. At least live vicariously through you???
Sounds heavenly. Enjoy all of your free time! Doing what YOU want. Love it!
I LOVE your list!! I have a very similar one, but it will have to wait several years
It is nice to have one in school though.
Scrapbooking – gee, maybe you can catch up on all my stuff for me!!
Have fun at Target. That’s one thing I can hardly wait to do alone!!!
Elaine, it’s sounds like heaven!
But, make sure to spread it all out, so you can enjoy it!
I am so jealous right now.
haha. JK… enjoy your freetime!
I would have all those big plans and then end up napping. Yep. Oh, and a little blogging. Followed by another nap? Sounds heavenly.
now i have that song in my head!! i love it friend
enjoy every ounce of your new found freedom!!
I have one thing to add! Coffee! With silence and one of those magazines you referred to.
But not in the library. Please!
And if you lived anywhere near me? Coffee with ME!
Enjoy your time and good luck with the drop offs.
I’m a tiny bit jealous. You could drive to D-town and visit me and my three kids. Or not. The shopping alone is what sounds the best. Also, I would be the nerd who takes a book or magazine to a restaurant and eats alone while reading. Pure heaven. That is what I miss most about my job, the long lunch break that allowed time to eat and read. You could go to the library alone too, and actually have time to look for books for yourself.
If I could have looked forward to all those things, maybe sending the two older kids to school last week wouldn’t have been so hard. This week I am feeling muuuuch better about them being gone. And when nap time comes for the youngest I am enjoying the silence. A lot.
You’ve already covered what I’d do with my free time… How did you get 11 hours a day? Wow. Monkey starts this year too, but only half days. So I’ll have 3 free hours a day.
oh i have to say, i am a little jealous but then again, i am going to make the most of my time that is just one on one with little James while Kirstyn is at school 2 days per week.
hey, and if you run out of things to clean and organize and gas is too high to go to your beach in arizona then come on over and organize away at my house!!!!
Oh, I am so jealous. My free time starts tomorrow!
So, I just sent my youngest off to all-day kindergarten. I am in a total funk with what to do for the, count them, 7 hours a day of free time I now how. I said yes to freelance work and am having a difficult time starting. I applied for admission to the local university, got accepted, and can’t seem to make myself register. I finally put away all the laundry, but of course, that wasn’t very rewarding. So, I think I will follow in your footsteps… literally… and go get myself a pedicure. While there, I’ll try to motivate myself to accept the fact that my boys are gone and I need to move forward :(! I should be thrilled, but it has been harder than I imagined.
Enjoy your time! Happy scrapbooking :).
I’ll be right there with you. Although we’re on opposite days. We start up next Monday. And, hubby seems to think with all my free time I will need to be cleaning the house. Bah.
No free time here. It’s all taken.
A long hot shower sounds nice. Someday I’ll get one of those again.
10 whole hours a week. Beyond envious over here.
You forgot napping. Please have a power nap on my behalf.
Gosh your list sounds great!
Me time, what is that?
MAgazine reading sounds fantastic, I cannot imagine getting through one in a sitting. They are my page a day while on the pot moments.
I think I would get some painting and crafting done too, but you know me:-)
I think the list sounds just perfect
My favorite part was sitting on the toilet and doing my bidnezz without a child sitting pappoose style in my freakin’ lap!!! AHHH, the joys of motherhood!
So how was the first day???
I have a very similar list of ME TIME goals…so far I’ve been too bogged down with work to actually do any of them, but still, it’s nice to dream!
Grocery shopping all by myself…that will be ecstacy!
ENJOY IT! I can’t even imagine (yes I could, and I would be futzing with my camera)!
Pure heaven!!! Scrapbooking and Target alone would do it for me, but that all sounds wonderful!!
Sounds absolutely divine!!!