500 Points if you can get the movie reference.
I’m talking about the belly of course. I swear it has a life of it’s own. Oh wait. It does.
At 34 weeks I’m feeling huge and my feet and ankles are big, swollen freaky looking things. All the time.
The B man has felt and even seen her move a few times and I just love the huge smile he gets on his face when he experiences her life, inside me. It’s priceless.
Little G has been calling Her “K—- baby!” (not revealing her name yet) while touching my belly but Tim and I have been musing about how she’s going to totally rock his Mommy-obsessed world. It’s certainly going to be interesting.
Anyway, without further ado, here is ‘planet baby.’ NO need for a telescope, that’s for sure…
For more Wordful Wednesday check out Angie’s place at Seven Clown Circus.
Aw, you look great! I’m due with number three in late November. I’ll be feeling like I’m my own planet real soon!
Oh my gosh!! How awesome!! You are all baby!!!
You are looking so cuuuuuuuuuute!! I can’t wait to meet the baby girl!
You’re beautiful! Congratulations.
look how cute you look!
movie- so i married an axe murderer?
love the belly shot! you look great!!
my ww: http://mcclurefamilyspace.blogspot.com/
Beautiful photos! There is nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman. Love the belly.
Is the movie “So I Married an Axe Murderer”? HEAD, MOVE NOW! LOL
You look fabulous, but swollen is not good. Try to rest and put your feet up. I know easier said then down in the life of a mom.
you look BEAUTIFUL elaine!!!
You look great! I just love pregnant bellies!!
You are so beautiful and you’re just right out in front, aren’t you? Lucky!
Oh you are so beautiful! I wish you luck on the rest of your pregnancy.
Look at your perfect belly! I love it. Mine looked like it was attached by freddie Kruger both times (stretch marks were terrible). I wish you the absolute best for the remaining of your pregnancy.
Your almost there!! Wahoo!!!!!
You look just as beautiful in PERSON!! So glad we met, and hope to see more of you soon!!
Of course it’s So I Married An Axe Murderer.
Great movie!
Your belly may be big but it is supposed to be!!!! It is also BEAUTIFUL! Look at it!!!! Smooth, no stretch marks, it was meant to carry these awesome kids and soon you will be back to your self….
One day we will look back at these pics of the bellies and laugh and cry…
Cole gets the same reaction when the babies move in me…..I wish I could capture it and bottle it up!
great belly pic! you look great.
You look great!! I really love that top too
Look at you and all of your cuteness!
Awww! You’re getting there!!!!
You look fantastic! And I have no idea what movie that’s from but I love that line
you look so adorable! I know how you feel though! At 29 weeks and measuring 3 weeks ahead i am feeling the pain!
You just look so beautiful and full of life (pun intended).:-)
Wow! You look gorgeous!
Don’t know the movie, but you look awesome.
You look great!!
You look great! You don’t look swollen at all.
You look adorable! I like your shirt, too. Very pretty. And I like your hair like that, too.
I just like everything.
Your belly is perfect! Seriously, it’s beautiful! My belly, without a shirt, is frightening…seriously scary. lol You look great, girl!
Cute belly! You look great!
Love. That. Belly!!!! So sweet. SOOOOO sweet. Hi baby!! *waves*
Oh my gosh you’re so cute!!! Just stumbled upon your blog. Congrats! (on the baby… not on me finding you… anyways..)
You are so dang cute! That belly is GORGEOUS!!! I miss my baby belly and feeling the girls move inside of me. Enjoy these last few weeks—you look AMAZING!
Oh my gosh, you are all baby! Are you sure you are only 34 weeks?!
You look absolutely fabulous!
Aww, great baby pics! I miss being pregnant. Enjoy
That belly better be Photoshopped – how gorgeous are you!?!?!
P.S. “So I Married An Axe Murderer.” It’s been downhill for Mike Myers ever since. Excellent flick. Emergency c-section for me with boy #1 because of his own orange on a toothpick.
I think I have the same shirt…in turquoise = )
You are looking great!
Beautiful! No stretch marks? Lucky girl. My stomach will never be seen in public again (not that it was all that often before kids).
Isn’t it amazing what our pregnant bodies can do??? You look beautiful. I really mean that.
Oh a chick that can look this CUTE preggers AND quote the simply divine Mike Meyers! I knew there was a reason Moxie picked who “she” did! Now hoplessly blog stalkin’ ya and breathing your way “heee heee hooo hooo, he he hooo, he he hooo”
You look amazing!!
You look absolutely fantastic! I love the look on your face in the bare belly pic! Isn’t it amazing when your whole belly shifts? I used to love lying in bed and seeing the covers move!
Lovin’ the new look of your blog (I hope it’s still fairly new, I’ve been pretty bad about using my reader and not visiting blogs!)!
Your belly is beautiful! And I love that “look” on your face in the second picture, lol.
I love that…I always said I felt like I had an alien growing inside!
Very pregnant, indeed!!! You look(ed) awesome!!