Even though we were in the midst of the “sickies” last weekend, I still managed to get the boys to their respective soccer games and do laundry, feed children (and eventually myself) and resume life to mostly normal. I even brought the snack for G’s game!
But, and this is probably NOT news to anyone here, it turns out I am NOT Supermom. “Why?”do you ask… Well, perhaps because I lost one of my kids for a few minutes on Saturday. Yes, people, that’s right.
Since Tim was sick on Saturday I took the kids to the soccer games by myself.
Long story longer, I sent the boys to the edge of the soccer fields as I got K out of the car. After I got all of the things I needed out of the car (including the 2-year old) I gathered the boys for the 100-yard or so walk to the field where G’s game was to be played. I turned around near some restrooms to make sure all my ducks were in a row and they were NOT.
G was GONE. Nowhere to be seen. I tried to stay calm and sent The B Man running toward his field thinking maybe G recognized his coach and went that way. No luck.
Next I found an older man driving a golf cart (many of the people who work at the fields drive golf carts) and asked him if he worked there. He said he had in the past and I told him the situation.
He hopped off his cart and asked me what he looked like. I told him that he’s blond and wearing…
Now here’s the “kicker”…
The league decided that this season all the kids would wear the SAME uniform. They ALL wear blue shorts and then a blue or white jersey depending if they are labeled the “home” or “away” team. As I was looking for my child ALL I saw was a sea of blue and white clothed children. NO WAY to find MY individual child. I was not very happy with the uniform colored uniforms before but now I really hate them. Like HATE.
Anyway, next thing I know (as I’m about to REALLY start panicking and crying) my neighbor happens to walk up and says, “Hey Elaine.” I blurt out to him that I cannot find Gavin, that he was JUST here and that I’m freaking out. He says he’ll head toward the parking lot.
Thankfully within seconds he spots another dad carrying him. G had gone back to our car. Crossed the parking lot BY himself. My heart dropped but then I saw he was safe and I was so thankful for this man. I told him ten-fold.
He handed a crying G off to me and said, “Now that you found your mom Gavin, go win that game!”
I believe people are innately good. And I know most of the people at the soccer fields are parents themselves and would never dream of harming another person’s child. But I can’t help think about the few people that may be just hanging around waiting to find a child like mine to snatch up for God only knows what reason. You know, preying on a distracted mother of three…
The time Gavin was gone was no more than 2 or 3 minutes but of course it felt like an eternity to me. I tried to stay calm for my other children but when the thought crossed my mind of someone of ill-will grabbing him up, my entire body went cold. I just cannot imagine. And what about the cars in the parking lot? Yeah, that too.
I’ll admit that I was on the verge of losing it completely right before he was found. I cannot fully explain the feeling of relief that washed over me when he was. But I can explain the guilt that I felt for misplacing him.
I’m responsible for this little guy and for a short but crucial bit of of time, I failed. I know this could have happened to any parent that day, or any time for that matter, but it doesn’t change the way I felt afterward. Pretty much like crap.
He did win his game and I felt better as the day went on, but still….
Oh girl, so scary!!
(We’ve all been there!)
Hugs, momma. This happens to us all at some point. I am so thankful for the good people out there!
Sending you more hugs, sweetie!
UM, how scary, Elaine! I would have melted in fear, screaming, not sure what to do. I’m glad everything is okay, I’m so glad you found him, safe and sound. It really is just a second that something bad can happen, you know? We can never be too careful! Man oh man. Having your child out of your sight for a split second only is the scariest thing EVER. I’ve had that happen to me too, and it’s awful scary.
That is the worst feeling in the world.
Zoe hid from my mom and I in a store when she was almost two (sounds better than saying we lost her) and the store locked the doors and was giving a “Code Adam” over the intercom. We couldn’t find her for almost twenty minutes.
I know that’s scary. So glad you found him and everything was okay. I does happen to us, too. Sending hugs!
I definitely would have freaked out if this had happened but thank goodness for the kindness of strangers.
Oh my, that is scary! I’m so glad he’s okay. Don’t be too hard on yourself, ok?
Hugs to you!
Not much can make this situation better, but I do believe some things are just beyond your control. It’s not so much your “fault” as it is something that “just happened.”
Thank God someone was kind enough to grab him up and bring him over to you! You’re right – people are innately good…we have to believe this, don’t we?
OH Elaine! I totally understand this. I have lost Hayden a couple of times, that’s right more than once. That boy likes to wander.
It is times like these I am glad that God is there.
Glad it all turned out alright.
Hugs to you!!!
I lost Chelsea at the Mall the day before flying to pick up Tas in TX … a lady watched my 4 yr old walking all the way down the side of the stores calling for me and told me where she had gone. Here I was picking up a new baby Bjorn to go an adopt a baby and I nearly lost the one I already had #momfail
Oh, my heart was pounding reading this!
I hate the soccer field for this very reason. I have two who play on different fields and then a third who wants to be on the playground. All spread out from each other. I feel like a crazy person the whole time we are there and heave a huge sigh of relief whenever we are all back safely in the van.
been there, mama. and im glad everyone is feeling better now
I know that feeling of dread and panic so well. I am so sorry but SO glad that he was found safe and sound. It is HARD being a Parent. xoxo
You didn’t fail. It happens. My sister has 4 and I go crazy trying to keep track of all of them. I now have one kiddo of my own and I know I am going to freak out at times too – that just means you are protective and do watch out for him as much as you can!
We’ve lost Madeleine twice. Once at Sea World and once at a football game. Both times she had no idea she was lost! Longest 5 minutes of my life, especially at Sea World. So glad he was okay. Hope the guilt wears off soon.
This could happen to any parent at any time. My brother wandered off in the mall one time when he was about two. My mother was frantic. My dad got so upset and claimed she wasn’t watching him. Then he turned around and did the exact same thing to my dad. It was so, so scary.
You can’t keep eyes on them 24/7. You just can’t. Forgive yourself and move on. I’m glad everything turned out okay.
I know that feeling and wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. So glad he was found safe and sound!!
Oh, so scary! Sadly, so many of us have been in that very situation.
So scary… I can’t imagine what went through your head! Thankfully he was safe and sound!
My guess is that he won’t do that again!
You are a good mom! You noticed immediately and sprung into action. So many parents don’t notice or just shrug their shoulders assuming their child has run off with a friend. You are very right to be concerned about predators because they are a true threat. I’m so glad he’s safe and that he has such an attentive mom!
Ugh, that’s the worst feeling ever…that sick feeling of dread when you don’t know where your child is. I’m sorry you went through that. Know that you are not alone…it can happen to the best of us.
I lost D at the cider mill/orchard one time. I think many of us have had that moment, and I wouldn’t wish the feeling on an enemy
I am so glad he was all right; try not to beat yourself up too much about it.
And, yes, the uniform colored uniforms sound annoying
Oh goodness, how scary!! Such a scary experience. I’m glad all was well. They move fast!
In a completely unrelated note, and not meant to take away from your post, this is my first visit to your blog, and I just adore your name!