Is There a Two and Half Year Old in Da House?

Oh Good Golly IS there!

And this particular one is QUITE a handful these days.

I think even he would admit it.

Many times when we address him in a stern way he replies “YesSir!” to all of us. Meaning Me, Tim AND The B Man.

He’s frequently in time out lately for hitting, kicking or punching his big brother. Or me.

In the last few days he’s busted his lip and bloodied his nose on the bathroom floor (all at once), made his forehead one with the floor in a certain store with a bull’s eye as a logo, smacked his whole face on our living room floor and burned his finger on a pan when I repeatedly told him NOT to touch it. Yes, he cries at first but he quickly gets over it and is off again, as if nothing ever happened.

My sofa has blue crayola on the arm. The fireplace hearth has blue marker and the French doors that lead into the office were recently cleaned of green. And I can tell you this did NOT get done by the 5-year-old OR the infant.

He can go from zero to face-full-of-tears in 5 seconds flat. And that’s probably because I did not let him strap himself into his car seat or put the lid on his milk cup himself. Or any number of other reasons.

He’s fighting his nap and doesn’t take one every day anymore (although he does stay in his room the whole time, singing and playing). And he has absolutely NO interest in potty training AT. ALL.

Of course despite all of this, we love the guts outta the kid and his father and I comment every day on how stinkin’ cute he is. Because he REALLY is.

I also PRAY for him every single day. I pray that he’s getting it all out at 2 and that 3 will be better. Please God. (andplease,Iknowthisisprobablyapipedreambutworkwithme,k?)

I have to say, he’s done remarkably well with his baby sister (so far) and that he gives wonderful hugs and kisses except when he accidentally heat-butts me at bed time.

Yes, right now THIS boy keeps us on our toes for sure. But would we change him? Nope. okay, maybe I’d adjust the tantrum-o-meter down just a tad but otherwise, no.

And yes, my hair is RED. I figure it’ll help me have the fiery spirit I need to keep up with this boy! ; )

P.S. I love you like crazy my sweet G, but you are welcome to chill out ANY time, alrighty? XOXOXOXOXOXOXO


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