Today my dear, sweet husband IMed me a link to an article about training for a marathon.
Yes, a MAR-A-THON.
Not a half one. A full. 26.2 M.I.L.E.S.
Anyway, I typed back to him that he was crazy and did he want me dead then a second later I said in my head very softly “maybe”.
And then I said to myself louder “GIRL, YOU ARE CUH-RAZY!!!”
See… this last week was a BAD one for my heel and my right leg in general (why is my knee hurting too, can’t this gal catch a break??) but I still managed to run 7 miles on Wednesday morning for the first time ever.
In MY life.
So apparently there really IS something to that whole MIND OVER MATTER thing.
Who knew?
Anyway, my heel/Achilles/back of my foot hurt SO badly on Tuesday that I was making a face pretty close to this:
You can do it!!
Try Alieve
I have no idea how to make it better for you but good luck! You have my support and good thoughts.
Oh man. Hope it feels better. You can do it! Awesome that you did 7 miles. I have wanted to start running but can’t motivate myself enough.
I know you can do it!!
You can do it!!! I’m so excited for you and your up coming races!! (this whole running thing is surprisingly addictive isn’t it?!) I will say some prayers to the foot gods for you!!! (and have you considered instead of a chiro, going to a PT for your foot/heel? they might be covered by insurance and might be able to help more than a chiro. My hubby has had a ton of success with his PT and his shoulder injury so he can still play hockey)
I hate to tell you this, but rest is probably the only thing that is going to help your heel right now. A few weeks off. Maybe after your half?
As for the knee, I always had knee problems when I ran. The my sis in law told me to do squats to strengthen my quads and it worked! I actually do walking lunges and those help A TON. Also, put your back up against the wall and slide down so you are “sitting” with your legs at a 90 degree angle. Hold it for a minute. Do two or three times. That will help with knee pain.
I have been thinking about doing a marathon too. I always said I would NEVER do a marathon cuz it can’t possibly be good for your body, but maybe doing just one would be cool. Just to say I did it. Also, I watch The Biggest Looser and they all do a marathon at the end of the season. It is inspiring. If someone carrying an extra 100 pounds around can do it, so can I, right?
Congrats on your 7 miles!!!!!
Something always has to complain when you push your body! YOu will do this, I know you will and you won’t regret it. I agree with someone above, rest is likely what it needs so just keep icing and stretching until you can rest (after the half).
Yay for your first 7 miler! Go Elaine! You got this girl!
Sorry for the pain! Have you messed with your stride at all? I’m no running expert, and I wear shoes, but there is something to the barefoot stride. Anyway, you can do it! I’m so proud of you for fighting through the pain. And yes, marathons are crazy, but I know you can do one if you decide to!
You will be amazed what you are able to do when you get to that 1/2. You’re going to do awesome. Now, go ice!
You go girl. Maybe we can do one together. I’m signing up for one in June. xo
I commend you for doing it!!!!! I will live vicariously through you
Have you tried barefoot running?
Did Jennifer just suggest barefoot running?
You runners awe and terrify me. I’m always impressed by your dedication, but scared because I know during the zombie apocalypse, you’re totally going to push me down as you fly past me.
Go. For. It!!
You (and your foot) have so got this!
One: I second the need for rest but what’s a girl gonna do with a race breathing down her neck?
Two: Also YES to the quad exercises. You should be alternating your workout w/ crosstraining. That crosstraining can be squats, lunges, etc…you can even do some of those on your “rest” days.
Another trick I’ve learned is taking tylenol before a long run (5+ miles)…this way you’re turning down your pain receptors and it’ll make the longer runs a little less painful. Followed by some anti-inflammatories.
And since I’m talking drugs, be sure you know what you are taking does: does it only reduce inflammation? does it reduce pain?
I wish I could give you some help with your feet but I’m suffering some too and don’t have an answer.
With regards to doing a full…wait and see how this 1/2 goes.
Also, I hope you don’t do anything more than walk to the fridge and the bathroom between the 1/2 and the 10k.
You. are. amazing!!
I hope your foot feels better. I know exactly how you feel -really
My advice is to rest more than you’re training calls for. You are ready to run it tomorrow if you had to so doing the last couple long runs aren’t going to do anything for you other than irritate the injury. That’s what I would do anyway!
I have no desire for the 26.2, really no desire to train for it. Just doing a 20 mile practice run – um yeah, no thanks!