Thanksgiving week was…
We were on the road A LOT.
We ended up circling South Texas when it was all said and done.
We stayed with friends in Houston the first night – B’s “bestie” that moved there back in August. The kids had a great time not going to bed until 11 p.m. I was also able to see all of my immediate family AND a dear, sister-like cousin that I have not seen in years (she moved her butt to Canada after she got married, so we are geographically challenged).
The only day we did not travel was actual Thanksgiving day (see a few pics below).
Truthfully, it was exhausting. Partly because futons and air beds are just NOT my style.
(ouch, my achin’ back!!)
But family IS my style and I got so many hugs and saw so many beautiful faces that I love that it was all worth it. Of course.
Oh, and there was “Pehcahn” pie, so…
K and I helped Grandma (my mom) in the kitchen…
Apparently she was a little perplexed by it all… ha!
Lookin’ up the recipe for sweet potatoes. As if she doesn’t know that one by heart… please.
We ventured out to the park and creek across from my parents’ street for a Thanksgiving walk…
It was a beautiful 70-degree something day.
And at the end of it I was QUITE full.
I’ll have more pics of some of our other adventures later this week.
I’m currently playing “catch up” and wondering when we will put up the Christmas tree and thinking about how I need to address a crazy ton of Christmas cards and about how I really want to bake but do not NEED to bake and how oh how will I get my shopping done and on and on and on…
p.s. That “Pehcahn” pie up there was made with pecans right from my parents’ own trees. What’s your favorite kind of pie??
I love that 3 generations worked in the kitchen.

Is it pee-cahn?
I’m not a big pie girl, but I wouldn’t say no to lemon meringue pie!
I love lemon or lime pie.
We say pee-can here in the Great White north but that’s because we have no accent and sound ridiculously pompous when we try to say pee-cahn. Need the Texas accent to pull that off!
I hear you on the exhausting part of trips home to see family. But it’s so worth it!
Also? Your parents have pecan trees? SO COOL.
Sounds like a very full holiday. I’m not a pie person but I made a good pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving and my husbands gram got me a coconut cream pie which if I had to pick a favorite it would be that one.
I say it like you do I think. But the more I think about it the more confused I become.
Apple. I love apple pie. And I say pecan the way you do. The right way.
Peach pies are dangerous for me! Mmmmm pie.
I am so glad that you had a good Thanksgiving. Now pass the pie.