Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. But of course, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
I am not sure if y’all have noticed lately but my kids are growing up at like lightening speed!
When I started this blog back at the end of 2006 The B Man looked like this:
And now he looks like this:
try not to be distracted by the super cute dog! Good Luck!
It’s just so funny to me because when you have babies and then even little ones, you do not think about all the things they may need as they get older. At that time you’re too wrapped up in buying the right stroller and loading up on diapers and the only thing you’re thinking about with their teeth is when they will come in, not when they will come out and then possibly later, when they might need straightening.
Well, folks, here we are at the “need to think about straightening” stage. It got here fast.
I wore braces as a kid, for almost two years. They were not my favorite and no I am not going to show you a picture of me wearing them. I think I burned them all. 😉 But of course I was happy with the end result and am thankful to this day for my parents ensuring I had straight teeth.
During BlogHer this year I attended a lovely cocktail party with Invisalign and a local orthodontist was there to talk to us about the product. He educated us on how it works and answered questions. It was very informative for this mom, who with one kid on the horizon of this need, and two others that will probably follow, was very interested in learning about it!
What I realized was that I wished Invisalign Teen (also available to pre-teens) had been around when I was younger! The clear, removable aligners straighten teeth without a mouth full of metal and the disruption and sacrifice that goes along with that. While using this product, teens can continue playing sports without fear of injury and because it is removable, there are no food restrictions to worry about. AND! and! That lack of metal in the mouth means there is less social awkwardness during those vulnerable teen years. I say YAY for that. Teens have it tough enough in that department!
So, in the coming months, we will definitely be looking into it to see if Invisalign will be a good fit for B’s teeth. One thing I did not know until our dentist gave us a referral, and is a common myth, is that children do not need to have their orthodontic appointment until they are teens. But no, we’ve already been several times. Also, I am not too worried about him losing aligners (if we go this route) since you get up to SIX free replacement aligners.
Other things to know about Invisalign Teen:
It costs the same as traditional braces.
The clear aligners straighten teeth without traditional wires and brackets, but are just as effective.
Because there are no wires and brackets to be broken emergency ortho visits for that reason are eliminated!
The length of treatment is comparable to braces.
Does this sound likes something that might work for your growing kid?
If you would like to do a quick assement online to see if Invisalign may be a good option for you or one of your children, go HERE for the online smile assessment.
Not all orthodontists specialize in Invaslign Teen, but you can go to the Invisalign website to locate experienced Invisalign doctors in your area
Also, check out this great Infographic, Straight Talk: Smart Path to Straight Teeth for a quick reference!
Enter to win Invisalign Treatment below! (Ends Oct. 1, 2014)
Find Invisalign on Twitter and Invisalign on Facebook too!
Have you brought your child in for an orthodontic consultation yet? Have you considered Invisalign for them (or yourself?)
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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