After mass last Wednesday we all walked up to get our ashes and then those of us who wanted to, also approached the altar and randomly chose a piece of slate with one word on it.
Remember, ANY “miss elaine-ous” post will do, something from your archives or something brand new!
Do you have a post that meant a lot to you but wasn’t read by as many folks as you’d hoped? Or one that has great pictures and you want more people to see them? Or do you just have one that you really want to share!?
I’ll also choose a random post from those who link up to feature on The Miss Elaine-ous Life Facebook page (please “Like” if you have not already) so even more folks will see a new post every week! Grab the button and link up! And please visit some of the other linkers as well…

I haven’t linked up in too long.
As for the silence I love this and this word. A purposeful reason to at least be aware of it. I want my own slate of silence!
My word for the word is Calm. I think Silence goes hand in hand with that
You know, I want to practice silence, too. Less yelling and talking loudly, more time to think about what I’m going to say first, etc. Good Luck to you, Elaine!
Yes, I could so stand to practice some silence. Either to silence my own impatience with my kids. Or silence my mindless blather as I pray, and never give God a chance to get a word in edgewise.
I happen to LOVE the word Silence.
Just saying it makes me happy. 
I love this post too. I have been trying to focus of being a much more peaceful and thoughtful mother this Lent. I think saying “Silence” in my head would actually help too.
Good luck to us both!
I like this… silence. What a good lesson.
That is an interesting perspective. It is great to think about how nice just a little quiet would be when it is everyone else that is being loud, but to think about it in terms of yourself is something completely different.
Less social media would be a huge challenge for me – can’t wait to read more about how the next month goes for you.
Love this. I’m off-line a lot more. xo
Silence is good. I certainly need that this week.
Had something happen this week that totally shook my faith. My faith I thought was so strong. So, I sat in church yesterday, mad at God, in silence. Wouldn’t sing. Wouldn’t pray.
And amazingly enough…I heard.
I heard just what I needed to hear. Because I was silent.
This is really good stuff, Elaine…thanks.
I’m giving up computer time while the kids are awake! Or at least trying to. It is really hard since the beginning of Lent coincided with Blissdom! I’m already plotting about going back next year and you better be there too!
I personally could use some silence, but I know that I would break that in a heartbeat….I wanted to give up chocolate this go around, but it didn’t give me up!
Silence is a great word, and you know what? It’s actually cool that you got a word you may not have chosen for yourself because anything that stretches us outside of our comfort zone helps us to grow and be better people.
Love this. I’ve been trying to stay off the internet as much lately too. It’s better, for me and my family.
Excellent things to focus on! I really should take note! Thanks for sharing.
I’m loving the silence. I have been off of my computer a lot more lately. I was speaking too much online and not focusing on the important things right in front of me. During Lent, I am trying to limit my time on the computer to Mon, Wed & Fri and only when it doesn’t take away from my family on those days. I already feel lighter and it hasn’t even been a week.
What a great perspective about your word. I’d love to be able to practice this more with my kids:
– I don’t want them to learn from me that yelling is how to react to situations we don’t like.
– Abby is now old enough to absorb way too many of my words – I want to teach her to guard them well.
– One of my goals for the year is to be more present for the kids. That means getting offline and also being quiet to really listen to them.
Oooh…that’s a powerful word. I really like the less fussing/yelling one. I try so hard to be silent and wait on Andrew to do what I’ve asked him to do without raising my voice and it’s so hard. But our house is more fun when I’m patient and quiet. I think I’m going to borrow your word for Lent. Thanks for sharing this.
I’d like to plan a vacation where I didn’t get online during it. I don’t know if that’s ever going to be a possibility though:(. I have to get online every day for work so it’s not something I can even consider giving up. Unless I’d like to also give up paying my bills, and buying cute shoes. I could lose the bills but the shoes are nonnegotiable:)! Good luck!
I am constantly seeking silence, even if it’s just the inner voice in me that makes me doubt and stress while trying to take care of the kids. I’ve been retreating to my closet for quiet time in stolen moments. It’s actually been fantastic for my ability to stay calm. Fantastic, but not perfect.
I think your focus of less yelling and more silence on the Twitter and Facebook fronts are great…I should definitely work on that too.
I love this so much, my friend.
A little silence woven here and there would do us all some good, wouldn’t it?
(Thank you for this.)
I like this word too. I’m trying to only right when it’s worth reading. And to stay present in the moment. Thanks for the reminder!
I thi9nk that will be my mantra when I feel the frustration with the kids rising. Thanks for the reminder. We should all be a little more silent. In the silence we can hear what we are meant to hear.
Oh, that’s a good word….especially when I see how you are applying it. We could all use a little silence, right?