Many times we find ourselves berating OURSELVES because of our supposed shortcomings in the motherhood department. I know, it’s human nature to focus on the negative much of the time. And I’m not saying I am perfect. Not at all.
But the title of my post today is not full of sarcasm. It is FULL of truth.
I am a good Mom. And I’ve decided that I need to say that more (to myself) and to share it with everyone else too. Because you know what? I am guessing you can relate. And, I want more of us to say it! I want us to shout it from the rooftops and say, “I am a good Mom”. Shoot, say “I’m a fabulous Mom” or “I’m the best Mom ever!” if you want.
I am trying to start a movement of positive and encouraging ideas about motherhood because I would rather focus on those than the not so good (and I know it’s there – trust me, I do – but why dwell on it so much?).
So, here you go, some reasons why I am a good Mom…
I got them a puppy*. Enough said.
(okay, fine, there’s more…)
I pack all of my kid’s lunches every day. Full of (mostly) healthy food and bottles of fresh water to drink. Sometimes I even make them look really cute like this!
I let my kids help me bake. That takes patience y’all.
I let them play in the rain…
I take my kids to fun play places and let them spend money on “games” that they get some tickets from and then in turn, get cheap plastic toys that make them happy for about 3.5 minutes. And I let them play in ball pits.
I give them ice cream. But I also give them healthier food.
I encourage hem to pursue the things they love to do.
This past summer I let them watch the Lego Movie a few too many times.
I play games with them.
I take them out to breakfast.
I plan and host their birthday parties.
And I LOVE them. I show them that in so many ways, even though I screw up sometimes too.
*okay, yes, my husband had a lot to do with this decision too, but I was 50% of it and that’s a high percentage
So now, I encourage you to join me! Tell me how YOU are a good mom (or parent) in the comments. Or, write your own post and link it up in the comments. Let’s spread the positive and tell everyone how good we really are at this mom gig. Go!
You can tweet with me too – @elainea – #IAmAGoodMom and/or share on Facebook and tag The Miss Elaine-ous Life!
p.s. the Old School Blogging linky is still open for a few more days if you want to join us for the summer wrap up!
Oh I so love this idea! I had thought of doing the same thing but I always feel so uncomfortable saying “I’m a good mom”. I’m going to have to start trying it out.
Julia recently posted…When You’re Framily
You did a great job with your post! You ARE a great Mom! xoxo
Yes! I agree. We ARE good moms. I’m a good mom because I knew that my little boy would lose it when I left him at his first day of kindergarten this morning, but I knew just what to do to make our goodbye as loving, quick, and painless as possible. And when I picked him up, I dropped everything, held him, and let him cry until he was ready to talk and smile again.
Amy, Using Our Words recently posted…What I Share (and Don’t Share) About My Kids Online and Why
Aw, that is so sweet and beautiful. Thank you for sharing that.
YES! You ARE a good Mom, and I’m glad you can see that!
I will write my own post next week. Because I think I need to remind myself of that often. xo
Alison recently posted…Through The Lens Thursday #34: Green
I’m so glad you wrote a post! Thank you! And that we can continue this good feeling…
Aww, Elaine. I just love you.
This is such a grand idea. I love it. And I definitely need to do it more often. We (moms) are so hard on ourselves. And lately I haven’t been feeling like a good mom at all. I have been yelling so much, saying hurtful and stupid things, my temper at an all time high, my patience at an all time low.
I am a good mom. And now that I am thinking about it I bet I could list many more times that I have succeeded at being a good mom then I originally thought. As a matter of fact, I think I’ll write a post too. Inspired by you.
Maybe you should put up a linky.
Well done, Elaine. You started a positive thinking movement. And we (moms) can certainly use it!
Kat recently posted…WW- In My Garden
I hope you will write a post! You are a GREAT mom, Kat! I know this because I read your blog and I see the light in your kids’ eyes in all the photos you post and stories you tell.
Of course, we all have moments that we wish we could take back (I have LOTS!) but we are not just moms, we are also humans.
Looking forward to your post…
I love this! Start the movement, girl!
And yes. Baking. Much patience. Claire and I were making banana muffins yesterday while the other 2 were distracted. It was great until she yelled “guys! We’re making banana muffins!” And everyone else came running in.

Leigh Ann recently posted…6 end of summer activities
I know, then, FLOUR. EVERYWHERE. Not that I would know or anything…
Great idea, Elaine! “I am a good mom” – I need to say this to myself every single day. And would it be terrible to say it out loud to the kids every once in a while, too?

Andrea recently posted…Don’t Say It
I think that is a FABULOUS idea!
I love this! We’re usually so hard on ourselves- it’s nice to take a moment and point out what we’re doing right!
I’m a good mom b/c I play with my kids in the pool, tossing them and teaching them how to swim. I’m a good mom b/c I bought them the clothes they wanted for back to school, rather than what I thought they should have(nothing wrong with their choices, but I let them go for comfort when I wanted a little more style).
Shell recently posted…We Need to Talk: Things They Can’t Say
Thanks for sharing Shell! And yes, I have a hard time letting go on the clothing thing too sometimes…
Lovely, Mama! I’m a good mom because I try to think of things from my kids’ points of view.
anna whiston-donaldson recently posted…The 6 Stages of Food Storage Container Ownership:
I need to do that more often… Tim even tells me so. HA!
I really love this. I might even schedule an “I am a good Mom” post in September so that I remember to REMIND myself to write one AND that I am one.
You ARE a good Mom. I’m glad you’re celebrating that. xo
Laura recently posted…Back to Everything
Oh, please do! You are a wonderful Mom, my friend!
And thank you… xo
Elaine, you ARE a good mom! And I’m shocked by how uncomfortable I am saying the same. So thank you, for the challenge :). I am such a good mom… because we had a trampoline sleepout, because I let them invite 4 friends over for a major nerf gun battle this afternoon and because we’re having a yard sale on Sunday to make room for… MORE Nerf guns!
Dr. G recently posted…Teach Kids About Marriage
The Nerf gun battle clenches it right there!
And thank you, my friend, also for sharing this! 
LOVE this!
tracy recently posted…Celebrating Firsts with TWO $100 Staples Gift Cards For Teachers
I really love this post. I think every single Mom I have ever met feels like a “bad” Mom every now and then.
I am a good Mom. I love this!
I know you are a good Mom because I see strawberries that are hearts and everyone knows that slouches do *not* make loveable lunches!
Plus, really, you had me at puppy.
Beautiful post! I think I’ll take a lead from you and try my best to blog about some of the reasons I am a good Mom, too.
Peady recently posted…Happy Thursday: Silly Saves Me Edition.
Thank you! And yeah, heart-shaped strawberries pretty much put me over the line, right?
ha ha!
I hope you’ll share why you are a good Mom too!
I shared it on FB, and what I said is that I’m a good mom because I listen when it really matters.

Lady Jennie recently posted…Why do you read A Lady in France?
You are an awesome mom! Can you be my mom and make me lunches?
Natalie recently posted…Fun with the Fleet
Sure Natalie, what do you like? Cheese sticks and strawberries, I hope!
Thank you, sweetie, you are a good mom too!!
YOU are a wonderful Mom, you carry them in your heart every step of the way … and your photos just glow with love. I need to work on this more, so much easier to find fault.
Sisters From Another Mister recently posted…First time for everything #Blogust
funny thing? I KNOW you are an amazing Mom too!! xoxo
I love this idea and yes, you most definitely are a good mom! This is something that I need to remind myself of too. It’s hard, especially at the end of summer when everyone feels little more tired and cranky
I will write and share a post too because I think I need it too!
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted…Gaining Perspective From Injury
You do, Christine because you are a GREAT mom! I look forward to your post!
I found your blog via Alison at Writing Wishing and I am so pleased that I did! This post is wonderful and a great idea. Can you make my lunches with heart strawberries please?!
I wrote my own post too thanks to your idea and post
We are great Mums and we need to remind ourselves sometimes I think.
Clare recently posted…15 reasons I am a good Mum.
Oh Yay, Clare, so happy you found your way here.
And I’m SO glad you wrote your own post! On my way over to read it now…
I’ve been wanting to read this post since I saw it pop up in my feed last week. Yes, you are a wonderful mother. I’d say that playing the Frozen soundtrack for my girls for the millionth time definitely puts me in the good mom category. Thanks for spreading the positivity!
Awesome post Elaine! I’d write one but I’m not feeling energetic enough. It was a stretch for me to buy Terreria on my phone so they could both play with their friend. I rock…
Tammy Soong recently posted…6 Spots To Nab Blog Subscribers
You do ROCK, Tammy!!
I love this – and now I will have to write my own post… you are so right – we forget to pat ourselves on the back!
This is my first time visiting your blog – and I am hooked. I love your writing, your honesty – and the colors and layout of your blog are all very friendly and inviting! THANK YOU for sharing with such openness.
Tove Stakkestad recently posted…Pen > Paper > Heart: Letter to My Hairdresser
I love this!
#IAmAGoodMom and I’m okay that they are watching TV during fall break. A lot because we’ve been on the go so much and we all need a break!
Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? recently posted…Share the table with Penne Pasta Salad