So, here’s the thing.
I cannot always remember to read your blog posts just like you cannot always remember to read mine.
I’ve never used a reader. Back in the day my sidebar, where I listed all the blogs I read, used to be my reader. Now Facebook sort of serves as my “reader”, between groups that I am in, pages I follow and random posts I see.
Sometimes Twitter guides me in what to read. But that is sort of rare these days.
Honestly, it’s the luck of the draw if I read your blog post anymore.
And so I have to realize that it is probably that way for a lot most of us.
Plus now…
Many of us have decided to branch out. We are submitting our work to other sites for exposure and even pay! (WHOOP!) and “penning” essays for anthologies or writing entire books! However, this means our time is directed elsewhere. Away from our personal spaces that still mean so much to many of us me.
So what do we do?
Some friends have decided to stop blogging. Many of the sites I read are no longer or are different than before.
But for those of us that do not want to quit…
I say we keep doing what we’re doing. Yes, blogging is evolving and changing but that doesn’t mean we have to stop. I don’t want to stop. This space is still my main creative spot, a place to document my life and our family of five. Just because I do not have as much time for it as I used to does not mean I do not still love it here.
And I AM out there reading other sites when I can. I still try to comment on 90% of the posts I read. But I know not everyone does that, partly because they may be reading on their phone or iDevice and it’s just not as convenient that way. I get it, I do. I’m happy to get 10 comments on a post here anymore.
Old School Blogging is alive and well, in this space. 🙂
However, I’m sad that FB seems to rule the world regarding who sees my stuff (or DOESN’T see it).
I’m happy that I can still come here and write whatever I want.
I’m sad that you may not have time to read it.
I’m happy that we bloggers are spreading our wings and finding what works for us as true writers.
I’m sad that I just do not have time to read EVERYTHING.
But, OMGosh, I have a family and a life outside of this screen and other goals.
And so do YOU.
Just come visit me every now and again and I will do the same for you.
So, ’til the next time we remember to visit each other…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
When I close my eyes and think about Thanksgiving I smell onions. Every year my…
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