I’m running alright…

I just sat down.  After like 6 hours of GOING, going, gone.

Me and the little ones had a pretty lazy morning just hanging out in our p.j.s.

Finally at 1:30 I decided it would be a good time to get my bootie in gear and I did a 25 minute strength and stretch workout behind the sofa while G watched “Phineas and Ferb” and K napped.  I sweated so it counts. (don’t worry, I showed after…)

I’ve been doing the stretches and icing the sports doc (who WAS as “looker”, by the way…) “prescribed” for me.  Turns out the problem with my ankle probably starts in my calf.  Who knew?

Tomorrow I will run 3 miles.  Gotta keep up with my training for the half.

This afternoon I felt like I was running a FULL marathon…

School pick up, forcing someone to do just some homework, dinner prep, crying toddler, busy pre-schooler with a RED pen in his hand.  Fed EARLY dinner. Sent oldest off with another mother to his practice.  Took four-year old to his soccer practice and kicked ball with toddler while he “practiced”.  Back home again.  Baths, wild play time, books, teeth brushing, MORE homework.  And Tim?  Currently working almost CONSTANTLY.

I’m zonked y’all and I really kinda want the lazy days of Summer back.

Can I rewind????  Or get a sister wife up in here????


Okay fine then, lots of chocolate.  I can burn off the calories since I’m going to be running a lot anyway.

Both literally AND figuratively.

they’re SO worth it


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