I just sat down. After like 6 hours of GOING, going, gone.
Me and the little ones had a pretty lazy morning just hanging out in our p.j.s.
Finally at 1:30 I decided it would be a good time to get my bootie in gear and I did a 25 minute strength and stretch workout behind the sofa while G watched “Phineas and Ferb” and K napped. I sweated so it counts. (don’t worry, I showed after…)
I’ve been doing the stretches and icing the sports doc (who WAS as “looker”, by the way…) “prescribed” for me. Turns out the problem with my ankle probably starts in my calf. Who knew?
Tomorrow I will run 3 miles. Gotta keep up with my training for the half.
This afternoon I felt like I was running a FULL marathon…
School pick up, forcing someone to do just some homework, dinner prep, crying toddler, busy pre-schooler with a RED pen in his hand. Fed EARLY dinner. Sent oldest off with another mother to his practice. Took four-year old to his soccer practice and kicked ball with toddler while he “practiced”. Back home again. Baths, wild play time, books, teeth brushing, MORE homework. And Tim? Currently working almost CONSTANTLY.
I’m zonked y’all and I really kinda want the lazy days of Summer back.
Can I rewind???? Or get a sister wife up in here????
Okay fine then, lots of chocolate. I can burn off the calories since I’m going to be running a lot anyway.
Both literally AND figuratively.

LOL! Have some chocolate just say no to the sister wife
As long as you’re fueled by chocolate, you can do anything!
OH! I totally hear you! Just started pre-k for my daughter this week which starts at 11:30, while my son’s class ENDS at 11:30 at a totally different school… good times.
I feel like all I do is drive around these days…sheesh!
Sounds like a nice morning! And good for you for your training!
If you figure out that whole rewind thing, can you let me in on the secret? I need day do-overs WAY more often than I should admit.
But you’re right. They ARE worth it!
Whoa, sounds like a heavy day! Chocolate. Yes. Sounds good.
Ha! I think a sister wife might bring more than you bargained for but what do I know?
You went to a sports doctor? That is great. Listen and do what they say, they know their stuff, I am proof!
If you can convince your hubby to take on a sister wife, please let me know how you did it. I have been begging…
They are worth it, but stick with the chocolate instead of a sisterwife!
I SO need a sister wife. She can do the cooking, cleaning, and laundry so that I can sit here and blog and tweet all day!
I’m floored that you worked chocolate *and* sister wives in here!
Love you girl- you can do this!!
And I’m so, so very proud of you for that half!
SO proud of you. but you take care of yourself, okay?? xxo
Gotta say, you are scaring me with this whole three kid thing.
Thankfully, there is chocolate.
I’ve always thought an ugly sister wife would be nice….:)
I so know what you mean! My youngest can’t even crawl yet and I already feel like I am running! I can’t imagine when I have to start chasing after her too!
She looks a bit, uh, “controlled” by her brother in that photo.
Sorry things are so insane! If I had a sister wife, I’d so send her your way.
You have a beautiful family! =)
LOL @ “sister wife”. I totally started giving the concept serious thought after the first few times I watched the show.
Days like that drive me batty! AND they make me wonder why the heck I’m not a size 4 instead of the size I actually am. We’ve GOT to be burning calories with all the running around we’re doing right??
Chocolate, yes sweet Chocolate. It is the fuel for motherhood!
WOW. I hear ya. This was the first week of having all three boys in school and then adding sports, swim classes, and boy scouts to the mix. It was CRAZY. And Todd was working a ton too. This is why I didn’t want school to start in the first place!
Oh that afternoon marathon is so much harder than any running I have ever done. I want a sister wife too! Or a preteen…I’d take one of those to just to play with the little so I could cook and clean!
Trying again…because I really want that sister wife position LOL
(or just some chocolate)
that’s good