I’m Floored

So here is the flooring we have been living with since we moved into this house 3 1/2 years ago.

Not THAT bad you say? Yeah, some of you are saying it…surely you are.

And here is the new one in all it’s glory!! (Can you tell I’m just a wee bit excited?!!)

Believe it or not I have not shed any tears of joy, but I cannot stop looking at it or walking on it. It’s almost like a new child in our lives, except it has the opposite effect on my sleep. Now I can sleep soundly knowing it’s done and that old, ugly floor is gone. And that’s how much I love it!! (okay, maybe not THAT much, but you get the idea…)

And here are a couple of shots of my 4-year old (now that makes me cry) with his birthday cake and on his new Thomas bike. We had to eat in the living room since the table still could not go back into the kitchen yet. And, we had to bribe the child to get off the bike. He was a little unsure at first but once he got the hang of it he was hooked.

Thanks to everyone who left a sweet comment wishing him Happy Birthday. I tried to read him a few but honestly, if it didn’t have wrapping paper or cake frosting on it, he wasn’t really interested. For some reason black letters on the white background don’t really get him that excited. But, if he’s anything like his parents, someday they will! ; )


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