So here is the flooring we have been living with since we moved into this house 3 1/2 years ago.
Believe it or not I have not shed any tears of joy, but I cannot stop looking at it or walking on it. It’s almost like a new child in our lives, except it has the opposite effect on my sleep. Now I can sleep soundly knowing it’s done and that old, ugly floor is gone. And that’s how much I love it!! (okay, maybe not THAT much, but you get the idea…)
Thanks to everyone who left a sweet comment wishing him Happy Birthday. I tried to read him a few but honestly, if it didn’t have wrapping paper or cake frosting on it, he wasn’t really interested. For some reason black letters on the white background don’t really get him that excited. But, if he’s anything like his parents, someday they will! ; )
What beautiful floors, Elaine!
Oh, you are gonna love those floors!
Happy Birthday little man! “They’re 2, They’re 4, They’re 6, They’re 8… Shunting cars and hauling freight…” I’m sure you’ve heard this song before?
Oh, and Tag! You’re it!
Elaine I have to admit that the old one doesn’t look that bad in the picture… however, I am sure it was that bad given your distaste for it!
The new one looks great and I love how the tiles are angled from the corner.
Enjoy your new floor!
The Thomas bike is awesome, he’s gonna have loads of fun on that:-)
Love your new floor! Congratulations.
The new flooring and pain job is beautiful!
new floor looks great! cake looks good too! go Ben go!
The new floor looks great.. I need need carpet and floors. extreamly bad but keep spending the money on other things..~sigh~ what sort of flooring it that, is it online anywhere where I can look it up and show my DH and say see how nice this is now can I have my new floor LOL..
Ben looks so cute with his birthday cake. My Little man’s birthday is next month. DH saw that Thomas bike last week while we were out and wanted to buy it for him right then and there for a birthday gift.. I told him to hold off and think about it a bit, because I have a like brand new huffy red boys bike that size out in the garage that Mr Man got when he was little.. and the bike is in perfect condiction.. But then again.. Little Man would love the Thomas bike since Thomas is his all time favorite thing in the world..
Wow! The flooring went in quickly. It looks great! Yeah!
And look at that cool bike! What a big boy!
I like the new floor! We had flooring like that in our previous condo. I loved it! I don’t have the greatest floors now…sigh. Oh well, maybe someday. Happy birthday to your son!
Nice new floor! New flooring does put a little bounce in your step, doesn’t it?
And happy belated to your 4 year old biker!
Your new floor looks great! I love the color on your wall.