Yesterday I found myself doing something that I NEVER thought I would EVER find myself doing. It’s not that big of a deal or even that ODD to some, I am sure, but it does seem a little antiquated to me. And this is my blog, so I am asking myself (and you)… who vacuums in their apron anymore these days?
Apparently, I do.
Let me rewind here a little and say that I bought this apron at Crate & Barrel “many moons ago” (phrase borrowed from my apron-wearing mother). I have never worn it. Ok, maybe once. I just don’t think to put an apron on before I start cooking/baking.
On Saturday… I wore that thing for like 3 hours.
I had two lasagnas to make (one for a friend who just had a baby and one for us and some friends for dinner) and a few other chores to do. And, since I had JUST showered and put on nice, clean clothes when I started my cooking, I didn’t want to get them dirty. It was then that it occured to me that somewhere I had possession of a nifty thing called an apron! Thankfully it didn’t take long to hunt it down.
And now – I will be wearing it ALL. THE. TIME.
I mean I could wipe my hands all over it while I was cooking and didn’t have to worry about getting anything on my clothes! : )
It has pockets so if I wanted to grab something and put it in there (rag, spice, spatula!) I could!
And guess what – my clothes didn’t get dirty!! Genius!
All hail the apron inventor, whoever they may be (wikipedia doesn’t tell me).
Anyway, once the food was in the oven, I needed to do some house cleaning and that is when I found myself pushing the vacuum while doning my apron. My old but newly beloved apron.
So now that I love them I need more than one right? And guess where I went to look for some (any good blogger should know the answer) – ETSY!
One of the first ones I found was this one. Now that is a cute apron people.
Unfortunately the title says “Everyday Housewife Apron” and let’s be perfectly clear here: I am NOT an “everyday housewife” so perhaps it’s not for me. (although it still may be…)
Also, there are A LOT, A LOT of aprons on Etsy so… I had to narrow it down somehow. I decided I prefer the ones that cover both the top and bottom (messy when I cook) and here is one I am seriously considering. So cute and great price!
Yeah so I spent all day a little time yesterday shopping for a new apron. I’ll let you know when I make a decision.
Oh, and I am working on getting out of that funk I was in and I have to say it’s going pretty well. I’ve been exercising (running even!), doing some of that retail “therapy,”(obviously – see above!) cooking, praying and eating some chocolate (works every time!). About the only thing I haven’t managed yet is more sleep. What can I say, I’m a night owl.
And also, let me say “Thanks” to everyone who comments here – you also help to lift me up and that is worth SO much…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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