Some days I have time with my children where I want to cry “UNCLE!!!” really loudly and put a sign out in the front yard that says FREE KID(S) (you know, depending on how many are bugging me at the time).
Some days I have time with my children where I am overwhelmed at how much I love them and how much joy and laughter they bring into my life and my breath is literally taken away at the fact that “these are my children” while my heart bursts out of my chest.
(nice run-on, huh?)
Most days…
I have a smattering of both.
On Wednesday Little G LOST IT because I was trying to get him to help me clean up the box of markers he just spilled all over the floor and he continually refused. He kept telling me that he didn’t know “how” to clean up (that’s his new thing now whenever we ask him to help clean up toys, etc.) and I finally sent him to his room. Of course once I did that his meltdown escalated into SUPER TODDLER THREE YEAR OLD CRAZY TANTRUM. Also known as a “sign-out-in-the-front-yard” moment.
But then later that morning (after the ‘storm’ had passed…) I was helping Little G change from his p.j.s into his clothes for the day and I started to think about how his now little-boy-body was once inside mine. All of it. His 10 fingers and his 10 toes and his big noggin’ and his arms and legs. And his VERY tickle-able belly -the one I was currently tickling while his laughter echoed into our big, tiled living room and landed on my heart.
As he laid his bare chest across my knees I touched the freckle birthmark on his back, remembering that it’s always been there, since the day he was put into my arms. And it has always sort of reminded me that he is mine.
This is also known as a “heart bursts out of my chest” moment.
I know that parenting is much like anything else in this life, whereas there are things we wish were not a part of it and then there are things that make us want to reproduce until we hit menopause.
And some may say that the not so good moments should go away completely but I’m gonna have to go with ‘no’ on that one because even those have something to teach and give us. (although many times I’m not sure what. pick up the d.a.m.n. markers for gosh sakes!!!)
(I do not cuss in front of my children. usually.)
So bring it on my kid-lets! All or your “sign in the front yard” and “heart-bursting” moments.
I’m Ready For ‘Em!!!
(i think…) (especially since pre-school starts soon…)
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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