If wishes were horses then dreamers would fall… (and get back up again)

There are times when I do not believe in myself.   Times when I let the practical thoughts of my brain take over the romantic ones of my heart.

Lately that has been the case more than not.  I will not go over the litany of things that I seem to be slacking at these days (not counting the laundry) but they do weigh heavy sometimes.
I have high expectations for myself and the things I want to accomplish.  A certain way I want to be as a mother and a wife.  As a person.
I know I am too hard on myself sometimes, yet I know there is so much that I could improve upon.  And I know I’m only human and there are only so many hours in a day…. and apparently I’m really good with cliches… 😉
And even though, there are still days when I just feel like I did not give or do enough.  For them, for me.  For all of us. For anyone.
I’m in the “thick of it”, some would say.  Raising young children, a husband who works a lot.  Days that simultaneously drag and fly by.  All the while trying to keep some sense of myself.
This Motherhood/parenting/(let’s face it)living gig ain’t always easy and sometimes it’s not even that fun.  Let’s be honest. 
These feelings will pass.  They come and go but they’ve been hanging around too long lately.
However, instead of wallowing in them, I think I’ll read this and feel better…
I know it’s going to help.
Congrats, Jill, we (I think I can speak for the blogging community here) are so proud of you!!


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