Several months ago I shared a letter to myself at Jamie’s blog, Chosen Chaos.
Except it wasn’t just ANY letter.
It was a letter to my much younger, 18 year-old self.
If you read it there, THANKS!
If not, here is your second chance as well as a wonderful opportunity to read all the letters that have been feautured on her blog during this amazing series.
I know I’m going to sit with my cup of coffee this weekend and read as many as I can…
Thanks again for inspiring my letter, Jamie! xo
Dear E,
First of all, this guy, that you swoon over while he is still back at home and you are at college, is NOT the love of your life. And you’re going to be REALLY thankful for that fact in just a few short years.
I’m proud of you for leaving home for college and for meeting new people and trying new things. But you really shouldn’t have tried those clove cigarettes. I mean, girl, what is up with THAT? No more of those, K?
Also, you are right, it is hard to figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life and choosing now is even more difficult. But it’s going to turn out way different that you expect right now so hang on and see.
Oh and please, PLEASE wear those white jeans proudly right now. This is about the only time you are going to be able to get away with it. Just sayin’. And worship that fast metabolism and recognize that all those walks across campus (well except for the one to the health center when you will have strep throat) are worth it.
Please cherish all the talks you have with your parents when you do return home, while sitting on the end of their bed and telling them all about your new independence. These are the last times that it will just be the three of you.
Oh and stop making fun of those rain boots your mom bought you before you left for school since they will save your bacon this Spring when it rains SO very much.
In a couple of years, which are going to fly by, you ARE going to meet that guy. THE ONE. And your life will change forever. Just be patient. He is out there. You are both just waiting for each other to be in the right place at the right time. And it will blind-side you both.
You do not know yet, you just cannot, how many beautiful gifts your life together will bring. And that it is okay for you to wait. But both are very true.
And you will not know until later, after living a while longer, how truly blessed you are in this life.
So please, try your hardest not take anything for granted, no matter how much you may want to do so.
Just please.
p.s. Keep singing. Always keep singing.
Love always,
Your 37 year-old self
Your 37 year-old self
Loved it the first time, still love it.
You’re still singing, right?
Thank you for taking the time today to link up with me E! My favorite part then and now… you will not truly know how blessed you are. I always wonder if I ever really know. Thank you!
oh the walk across campus, and that blessed metabolism…if we only knew, seriously. age has left my cheeks soft, but my body – well – soft, too. darn metabolism!