If at first you don’t succeed…

We were outside the other day, blowing bubbles and making chalk drawings (see previous post) and I had the idea to try to do one of THOSE pics.  You know like the ones where someone draws a scene with the chalk and then puts a kid in it?  Yeah, that.

And I just want to warn you all right now, it’s NOT good.  But I’m still going to share it with you anyway.  Because it kinda makes me laugh and I think it will you too.

First of all, I drew the picture in about one minute.  And I had K lay down in whatever she was wearing, which was not “rain appropriate”.

Also, we have a very old driveway here, it’s not nice, clean cement (although Tim did power wash it recently), and it has cracks.

Lastly, how are you supposed to pretend to be holding an umbrella while laying on your back?  Especially when you are two?

So, I tried.  And we may try again, with more forethought.  Surely “practice makes at least better than this”, right?


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