Not too long ago my friend Maria at Bored Mommy posted a list which she titled “I Wish.” I hope she doesn’t mind that I’m borrowing her idea today…
… for it to be Thursday (THIS Thursday).
… for everything to go well on Thursday.
… for baby K to be healthy (I also pray for this every day).
… for the baby weight to melt right off (hey, a girl can dream!).
… for breastfeeding to work out well again.
… for Little G to be good around the baby.
… for the hospital food to be decent.
… for world peace (just thought I’d throw that in…).
… for the closing on our TX house to go through as it’s supposed to in mid October.
… for people to be nicer to each other in this world and think before they speak.
… to be able to go shoe shopping again.
… for baby K to be a good sleeper like her brothers (did I just jinx myself?)
… for ice cream to have no calories (no one said they all had to be realistic!).
… for cooler weather.
… for my children’s future to be bright.
… for my husband and I not to forget our 10th anniversary in early November (it’s a good possibility you know…).
… for my friends and family to know how much I love them (I do y’all!).
… for THIS Thursday to be here (oh wait, I said that already, didn’t I?).
So what are you wishing for today? Please feel free to share. I want to know!
I wish the happiest things for you this week!!
I wish for you a smooth and successful birth of you baby girl!
Oh and for world peace!
I wish that I were sleeping. I wish that I hadn’t eaten 3 brownies last night. And I wish you the best this week!! Can’t wait to read about it!
I was secretly wishing this post would have new baby pics
I wish everything on your wish list comes true..I truly do!
Have a wonderful week!
I wish that you have an easy recovery and get lots of help so you can enjoy your perfect little family.
I also wish for a million dollars.
Hope all goes well on Thursday! I’m so excited for you guys!
I cant believe the time is here already!!! Time moves so quickly!! I definietly wish all those things for you too! Can’t wait to find out the name of your little girl and see her cute face! Definitely will keep you all in our prayers!
PS- I wish ice cream was calorie free too. I just know that those extra ten pounds I want to lose would come off if it was!
I wish for Baby K to arrive safely and healthy….and sooner rather than later.
I wish for my husband to return home from his whirlwind world trip.
I wish for 10 pounds to magically fall off my frame. Make that 20 pounds.
I wish my teeth were fixed. I wish it wouldn’t cost $10K to do it. I wish we had a house. I wish it were Thursday so you could meet your sweet new babe.
So exciting Thursday is almost here! Can’t wait to see your little girl! I wish we could have met before you moved!
I like this list and wish all those things too, especially the no calorie ice cream thing.
I wish it would be summer all year long;-)
I also wish you a great Thursday and a healthy baby and great adjustment!
I wish that my house was clean and I didn’t have to clean it. Seriously.
I cannot wait to see the baby! I will be thinking of y’all!
I hope all your wishes come true.
What a fun wish list! Be care about that anniversary. We spent out long awaited 10 year anniversary at the park with subway sandwiches and the kids. Guess which spouse wasn’t really happy with that?
I just said a prayer for a safe delivery of your princess.
This is a great idea and may I steal it from you for later this week?
I am praying things go well on Thursday and you’ve been on my mind A TON lately!!! I can’t wait to see pictures of the bebe!!!
Take it easy! Get some last minute rest while you can!
I wish I had not eaten cheesecake for breakfast. I wish I had a cleaner. I wish I could sleep in until 9 a.m. every morning.
So excited for you that this is the week you’ll be meeting your girl!
I am wishing you a perfect delivery!
I think you have great wishes and I just know they will all happen!
crossing my fingers and wishing with you!
Good luck on Thursday!!
I will be praying for you.
Today I wish…
… that Emma will sleep through the night.
… for happiness for everyone.
… that Caroline will not fight me when it is bedtime tonight.
… my husband will walk in the door with takeout.
You know, I had a really good day, so I can’t think of anything I’d wish for right this minute.
Can’t wait for Thursday! Tim will post and let us know all went well, right?
I’m wishing that you have a Thursday that is beyond your most wonderful and wildest dreams…will be checking back to see the awesome beauty!
Is this Thursday the big day? BABY DAY??? How exciting!!!
wishing all your wishes come true – especially on thursday
i wish you didn’t have to move so far away… love you too!
oh and i will agree with you on the wish for calorie free ice cream and brownies! (it’s okay that i add brownies, right?)
will be praying for you this week! can’t wait to see her picture!
I wish for all of these things to come true for you, especially the ice cream part. Okay, okay so that would benefit me too, what? I just love you that much, ya know?
Thinking of you this week, praying all goes well and you have Baby K in your arms before you know it!
I wish for you to have an amazing delivery on Thursday! I’ll be praying for you, hon.
I wish that I would stop feeling so guilty about Bellie. It’s killing me.
I wish I could lose a few more pounds! But still eat all the bad foods that I love so much. Hehe!
I wish for more wishes!!
I am honored to be your inspiration
I just wish we could have a coffee together dammit!
I am honored to be your inspiration
I just wish we could have a coffee together dammit!
i’m in rome right now so i have evythng i cld ever wish for, so my wish is for you – for baby k to be healthy and i wish that you just didn’t jinx yrself on the whole sleeping thing!