I Think I Could Set a Drink on It

My belly is big.

I know, I know. I’m 32 weeks pregnant so it’s gonna be. But seriously, this time, I feel Bigg-ER than either of the other two times.

Oh and did you catch that? I said 32 WEEKS pregnant. And since a c-section* will more-than-likely be scheduled the week before my due date that means we only have about seven weeks to go. That’s like NO time really.

But back to the belly.

People are starting to stare at me when I’m out and about. I’m sure some of the dialogue going through their mind may include, but are not limited to,

“Dang, she’s really pregnant, hope she doesn’t have that baby here and now.”

“Oh man, do I remember being like her and it sucked!”

“Boy or girl? Hmmmm.”

“Wonder if there’s two in there…”

And when out with the boys…


Okay, maybe not that last one. But even having a third, I think some people tend to think it’s too many.

I took some pictures of my super roundness the other night before Tim and I left for dinner. And you can refer back to this post to see again how different my belly was with Little G. It’s really kinda crazy.

See what I’m saying? I mean I almost knock The B Man out everyday just walking in the kitchen at the same time. His head happens to just be at the right height. Poor kid. He may have to start wearing a helmet. Good thing he starts school on Monday. Less chance of incident.

Oh and I’ve officially gained 30 pounds. That’s gonna be fun to get rid of. WHEE!

But in all seriousness, I’m getting VERY excited to meet this little girl. My mother brought several girlie outfits for her last weekend and I have a shower coming up this weekend that I am most excited about.

So… grow on belly. A healthy little girl is all I’m asking for…

*For those of you who don’t know, I had a C-section with Little G not because of the baby but because of my own issues so that’s what we will do with this birth as well…


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