I have to do this meme before the Summer is out. We’ve got plenty of time left yet, right? I mean I haven’t even been on vacation yet! But still, I need to do this one so my “tagees” can do it too! : )
iheartchocolate tagged me for this one:
Here are the rules: (because yes, there are always rules!)
Instructions: List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re not any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now, shaping your summer. Post these instructions in your blog along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they’re listening to.
1. Stay – Lisa Loeb (been listening to her “Tails” CD in the car)
2. Viva La Vida – Cold Play
3. Big Rock Candy Mountain – Lisa Loeb’s/Elizabeth Mitchell’s kids album that is completely wonderful – “Catch the Moon”
4. Maroon 5 (enough said)
5. Realize – Colby Calais
6. Say What you Need to Say – John Mayer (from “The Bucket List”)
7. S-M-I-L-E (from The B Man’s favorite CD right now, “Silly Songs”) to the tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic. It’s his favorite so I hear it A LOT right now.
I wanna know what these peeps are listening to:
That’s all for today. Have a great one.
Hubby’s birthday is tomorrow and I have yet to buy a present (or two). It’s ok. He knows. I am such a slacker. Guess I know what the boys and I are doin’ later today…
Thanks for coming by to see me, I am glad your little one liked the video of my little one so much, lol.
That Colbie Caillat song has been in my head lately, too!
I will get right on this one!
Great list! Happy early Birthday to your hubby! Have a good day – Kellan
Hmmm. I’m going to have to put my summer song list together too.
In the mean time, I am awarding you with a Brilliant Blog award for brilliance in blogging.
Come by and pick it up!
Joey walks around the house singing “Say what you need to say” over and over and over and over…
I don’t think I could even list 2 favorites right now…is that bad?
Hey, I don’t know how to read… more pictures of my godson and sweet little chiclet teeth.
Coldplay? I heart Coldplay.
Now, good luck on shopping!
Oh, this is going to be HILARIOUS! You should hear the songs I listened to on my ipod tonight. I might embarass myself. But who cares!
Awesome songs!
Thanks for the tag. I have to say this one of the funnest memes I’ve done.
Lisa Loeb, huh? I haven’t heard her in a while. You’re going to make me dig out the old CDs.
thanks for the tag friend – sorry i am late picking it up.
bad blogger. bad.
ps – happy bday to the hubby
You are going to regret tagging me. I am such a music retard. LOL! I will get to it as soon….within in the next week.
aww, you did it, thanks. I wasn’t any good at this one, but you sure did great!