… I’m going to.
Shopping is becoming a chore. There, I said it.
Whether it’s with the kids or even not. I used to love to shop and shop and then go shopping some more. It’s possible the economy is in trouble because I don’t shop very much anymore. Ok. maybe not. But still, I’ve cut back A LOT for various reasons, time being the primary one.
But today I did some. The boys and I went to the library for storytime in the morning and then gave some of Daddy’s hard-earned money to frosties and fries from Wendy’s for lunch. And after that we gave some to the local flower and fruit/veggie market and then Home Depot all so that I could have some pretty flowers out front.
The boys did well and The B Man had a blast jumping in puddles from where they’d watered the plants while Little G hung out in the cart.
But you know, everytime you get in and out of the car you have to buckle and unbuckle them and then you have to buckle the belt on the cart so your toddler doesn’t hit the pavement head first. I know I’ve complained about the buckling before. Apparently I have an issue with it. And it’s about to get “worse!” ; )
(Now this is where I insert the story about how a complete stranger decided to pull my baby son OUT OF THE CART at the H.D. and get a “hug” from him. Then she started kissing and tickling him like she was his Grandmother, right before my very eyes. She literally grabbed him up out of the cart without ANY hesitation. I realize I already said that but I just can’t get over it. She DID put him back and I believe she was harmless but still, really??? Without even asking me you pick up my child and start smothering him?)
Anyway, tonight I went out again after declaring to the hubs I have NO MORE makeup and I simply cannot be makeup-less. It’s just who I am. Since I had some extra time after that purchase I decided to go looking for shoes for the boys. I went to 3 stores with no luck. Time wasted = not happy Elaine.
So I had no choice but to try the tried and true Target. And guess what? They had everything I wanted including a pair of “faux” crocs on clearance for The B Man for a cool $1.98. Same pair he had last year just in a bigger size. And you’ll never guess that I found the cutest pair of flip flops for me too.
And the checker was SO nice and friendly that he made me smile all the way to the parking lot. So I ask you, why do I even shop anywhere else? I have no idea…
P.S. Sorry if this post was kind of all over the place. Just feeling that way a little lately…
P.P.S. The Ultimate Blog Party from 5 Minutes for Mom starts tomorrow. Lots of fun and lots of prizes. Come join the fun! : )
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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