I heard there was a party going on and I consider myself a social butterfly so I thought I would attend. I even dressed up. Oh wait, you can’t actually SEE me right now, right? Cause that might be a little fib… but I did put something on that isn’t flannel, does that count?
It’s low-cal. Ooops, there I go fibbin’ again. Actually this one has all the real stuff in it and it’s made from scratch so you can just taste the butter. Is your mouth watering yet?

I know, I know, you have lots of other parties to go to, I understand. Next time, then.
Go on and mingle but I do hope you enjoyed your visit and that you will be back to “see” me again. I love new friends and hope you will leave a comment about how you wish you could eat some of my yummy cake if you’ve got a moment. See you again soon and Happy Blog Party!!
Happy partying to you, too! I’m interested in hearing more about what part of the home decor industry you were in. I love all stuff home dec. Tell us more!
Happy Blog Party to you! Great post and the cake does look yummy!
Hi Just popping in from the blog party! Cake looks great!
That cake looks soo good! I should have made one for my party!!
Glad I stopped by the cake looks great!! So are ya gonna give us the recipe?
That’s my kinda cake! I don’t like that low-fat stuff!! : )
I’ve enjoyed visiting your blog and reading about your beautiful family!
I actually baked a cake today, too. Chocolate! My daughter’s birthday is coming up soon, and I’m trying out a new recipe… definitely not low-cal.
Just blog hopping today in celebration of the Ultimate Blog Party.:)
Those are such cute kids! Balloons are always a lot of fun, and that cake looks too good to stop at one piece.
Have a happy party!
I must say that does look like a mighty tasty cake.
Oh–and you are right about your little one having the same hair that my little one had (except in blonde). I loved his wild and crazy hair and was sad to see it go!! You’ve got a couple of cuties!!
mmmmmm, cake. I was getting a bit hungry, it really hits the spot! Thanks for having the BLOG PARTY here. Grab your little cuties and bring ’em over to my blog!!
Ooooh, that cake looks scrumptious! Thanks for sharing. As for after party, I’ve got enough to share.
Happy Blog Party!
I couldn’t care less about the cake but the wine looks LOVELY!!
Time for me to pour another glass
Thanks for visiting my blog!!
Cake, did someone say cake?
Hi Elaine!
Oh you girls are killing me posting pictures of all these baked goods!
But cake is my favorite. Any flavor. I’m not picky.
Hey now, I did dress up for my blog party :).
That cake looks yummy, is there any left??
Thanks for hosting thep party! I love the balloons and the cake. I admit, I don’t make too many low cal cakes or pies myself.
What a great party, balloons, cake and all! I’d love some cake…but I don’t think eating cake at midnight is a great idea ; ) Although I don’t usually listen to all those great ideas that I intend to…so sure hand some over. Can’t wait to come back and read more.
Oh tempting me with that delish looking cake.. and before I have had my dinner.. bad bad bad!
Happy Blog Party!
Inviting you to Party With Me!
Win Chocolates:
Win a handmade pocket place mat:
Join me this month at A Cup of Joy for Missions Month:
Thanks so much for stopping by my site, Elaine, and I especially appreciate the lovely comment you left about my son. Thank you so very much.
balloons-that’s what i forgot!
haha, great party-so nice to meet you =)
happy blog party!
Nice to meet you. Happy blogging!
Good morning.
I’m ready for another round of partying ;o) So nice to meet you. Love the wall color and I’m always on the look out for new wines to try.
Thanks for having me and enjoy the rest of your week!
Man, I was so excited about how many comments I had and then I came here! LOL! Thanks for visiting my site! I’ll have to search through yours to see if I can get a hint on where you live in DFW! Maybe we’re close! Love the cake! It looks delicious! Hope to see you around soon!
Thanks for stopping by my party Elaine! I can’t eat the cake because I am allergic but I will take a glass of wine
I love your blog, I’m so glad I stopped by. Your sons are adorable and the cake was yummy. Enjoy the party!!
Our Happy Happenings
Livin’ With Me
Hi Elaine, thanks for stopping by my blog. If you want my recipe for cinnamon rolls…they’re to die for..go to the recipe categories on my blog and you should find them. They are sooo good.
Hi Elaine, I just came in for the party, thanks for inviting me
Thanks for the cake, it was delicious
Rachel xxx
A Juggling Mum
That cake looks so yummy! Now I’m hungry.
I love to cook but don’t get much time for it – maybe on the weekends. So I’ll just have to stop by your blog again to get my fill and to hear about your adorable boys.
Great cake and cute kids! Thank you for taking the time to say thanks. I really appreciate it. You have a great time party hopping.
Yummy, I am so having the cake and wine. No shyness here. Delicious for sure. Nice reading about you and your boys and family. I will visit again soon.
thanks for the cake and fun party.
your kids are adorable.
btw, i’m giving away one of my “i make milk” shirts now in the UBP giveaway. it’s prize #141.
I have enjoyed your blog! See you around the party!
Thanks for stopping by, how about a recipe for the cake? Sounds yummy I love homemade anything, never tried a cake though.
You will love the party! Everyone is going to win something! Tons of prizes to be given out!!
Um. I wish I could eat some of your cake…
Actually. I’m gonna take a blog party hopping break and go get some now. (My hips are thanking you!)
Come visit me when you can.
I love home decor stuff!
Hey, thanks for stopping by 2nd cup! You have a lovely place here and cute kids!
Hi Elaine!
Thanks so much for stopping by my party!
I am *loving* your party…oh how I wish I could eat a piece of that cake (it’s weird I just had this feeling that I needed to say that?). Seriously, though it just looks heavenly, like out of a magazine. I second the request for the recipe!
And could we love anymore of *exactly* the same things??
I also love my wonderful and sweet husband, God, scrapbooking, good movies, chocolate, a good glass of wine and traveling when I can.
I mean really! We have to be related or something don’t we??
Thank you so much for inviting me to your party! I boomarked you and can’t wait to come back!
I brought you a little hostess gift!
See you soon!
Pink Paper Peppermints
darling Blog name~! thanks for stopping by my blog!
THanks for coming by to see me – I enjoy the company and I LOVE comments ( ‘specially sweet ones!!).
Your blog is sweet – and oh those two boys are gorgeous!!!
Have fun this week!
Becky Jo
Great Party.. I’m glad I stopped by, I’m going to add you to my bloglines so I can remember to stop back over and chat a bit more when all the partying is done.
If you find time stop over at my party also, Hope to see you there.
Thanks for stopping by my party! I enjoyed yours, too.
HI! That cake really looks yummy…or as Rachel would say…YUM-O! :o)
I love that video of your little man “getting down”. Both of your boys are so cute.
I am going to add you to my Google Reader. Can’t wait to read more about you and your family!
Thanks for stopping by my blog party! I love your blog name and header. I’ll be back!
Thanks for stopping by!! Great party you have going on here…I just happen to be enjoying a couple of glasses of the “after party” myself.
Take care and happy UBP!!
hope you have a great week!! stop by our party post if you get a chance!! nice to meet you!!
Um yes, you had me at “cake,” one of my very favorite food groups
Thanks for stopping by my place; I look forward to getting to know you better!
Came for the party! Stop by and see me some time!
Hey! Thanks for stopping by my party. It was sure nice to meet you. I got a kick out of your blog. I think I’ll add it my google reader. (After this party is over, I’m going to have to figure out what to do with the blogs I’ve added!)
Thanks for dropping by for the party.
As for paper craft – I still do a bit, but don’t miss the glitter and glue and mess! Also easier to digi-scrap while multi-tasking in the kitchen!
Cake, wine and balloons! Great party!
I want some cake!
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier…party on!
Hi There,
Thanks for stopping by Sweet Home Alabama. I hope you enjoyed your stay and welcome you back anytime. Ooh-I sure wish I could jump right in with a fork for a piece of that cake-it looks so yummy!
I enjoyed and appreciated your post about having been on both sides of the working mom spectrum. I worked with my first one and have been able to stay at home with my second and have experienced many of the emotions that you have described and you are right- neither is a walk in the park but it sure is nice to be able to take a walk in the park these days!
I am enjoying it while I can!!
Thanks for your hospitality, I’ll be back for a visit!
You are a great hostes and I’m loving the non flannel look (very Audrey). See you during after party season
Oooh, two Jodi(e)s in a row – weird! Thanks for stopping by my party. I love the name of your blog. My mother-in-law’s name is Elaine and when I first saw your comment I thought she had left me one – LOL! Nice to meet you!
Thanks for stopping by my blog party. Sorry I am so late in getting to all of yours. That cake looks delicious by the way!!!