“I Left My Soul There, Down By The Sea…” *

A vacation to the ocean is my favorite. I just love it there. The waves, the sun, the sand. The complete VASTNESS of it all.

Somehow, someway, it cleanses me from the inside and I’m reminded how very small we really are. In a good way. I see the power of the water and realize I really have no power of my own. I can control some things in my life, sure. But the end all be all is not up to me.

Of course the ocean is also a place to have fun and be with my family and even friends and presents itself as a place, for me at least, to recharge and begin the rejuvenation process.

I love the smell of the salty air and the wind blowing off of the water and into my hair. I can’t get enough of the sand between my toes.

But my heart lays a little heavy for this trip.

I wonder if it won’t be our last to this area for a Long, LONG time, due to the terrible environmental tragedy that continues to occur in the gulf.

I hope we can enjoy it to the fullest because I fear it may be…

I do love the ocean so…

Me at the Texas cost circa 1982
Me and Tim in Florida, 2005

Me, Tim and The B Man in Florida, 2006
(and just barely pregnant with Little G!)

Me, Little G, Tim and The B Man, Texas 2008

Excited to get a pic with Baby K this time…

*Lyrics in title from a song my Morcheeba, The Sea


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