We had great fun on our night out with our good friends, Chandler and Claudia, last Friday. We went to a delicious dinner at an excellent steak place in Dallas and then went to see Dane Cook. Holy Schmoly that man is funny!! He also had two opening acts that were absolutely hilarious and I really did almost have some bladder issues during the second guy’s set. Warning: Do not got see extremely funny comedians while 6 months pregnant. Or, if you do, just make sure you have good control down there, k?
Anywho, it had been a LOOOONG time since the four of us were able to hang out sans kiddos and from the car ride to dinner to the big event, we had a wonderful time together.
Conversation of the night (on the topic of gray hairs…):
Tim: “You know I found 6 gray chest hairs the other day.”
Chandler “I think I only have 6 chest hairs.”
Okay, so maybe not that funny to you, but it’s right up there with the comedians on the level of funny to me. Why you may ask… because these are our friends that we share a pretty long and fun history with and we know each other quite well. So yeah, funny stuff about the chest hairs.
Here are some pictures from our big night out.
Thanks to Chandler and Claudia, we love you guys and we’re gonna miss you but we’ll see you soon…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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