I just wanted to put a picture on here of the sweet bouquet I made a few days ago from the flowers and herbs out of my flower beds. Three roses, one iris, some yellow snap draon and some lemon mint (for greenery and scent!) The rose in the center is all bloomed out now and just gorgeous!

Thank God we’ve had a decent amount of rain so far this Spring. Although, the last few storms seem to come along with tornado warnings, which does not make me happy. Ben and I were in the tub in his bathroom on Friday night and Tim was still on his way home while the sirens were going of… Ben was pretty frightened but I think he was mostly reacting to me because I was quite scared mysefl! He didn’t let go of me until Tim got home and thankfully by that time it had mostly passed over us.
Not much else going on here. We are getting more anxious for the baby to make his arrival. I am 35 weeks as of tomorrow so it seems pretty soon we will get our wish! This week Tim and I are going to see the musical “Wicked” and out to dinner so this will probably be our last date night for a while. I am excited to see the show – I will report back next weekend.