I Have to Admit…

… I am loving the fact that when I go into Target and Gymboree and The Children’s Place, I can look at GIRL THINGS!!! AHHHHH!

Okay, I’m SOOOO glad I got that out! Whew!

My mother and I were walking through Target the other day and as we walked past the little girls section I started to squeal when I saw this little dress hanging right there on the rack. It’s almost like it was singing out ot me… “La, la, la, you can buy me now for your own sweet baby, tra la la…” It took everything in my power NOT to put it in my cart.

Then today I came across a blog that is extremely cute called Michelle Chapell Photography in which she posted about these dress kits on Etsy. Oh my gosh if those aren’t the cutest things, I don’t know what is! Of course that would mean I would need a sewing machine and well, I don’t have one of those. Guess I’ll just have to go for the “ready to wear” styles. They will work too…

Oh and a few weeks ago I was twittering about these shoes. I resisted the very strong urge to buy them and someone else snatched them up.

But folks, it’s clear that I am on an extremely slippery slope here…

Stay tuned for further posts in which I was not so strong. Trust me, they are coming.

P.S. Thanks SO much to my friend Wendy who gave me two bags of cute baby girl clothes to help “take the edge off.” Tim is very grateful! : )


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