… I am loving the fact that when I go into Target and Gymboree and The Children’s Place, I can look at GIRL THINGS!!! AHHHHH!
Okay, I’m SOOOO glad I got that out! Whew!
My mother and I were walking through Target the other day and as we walked past the little girls section I started to squeal when I saw this little dress hanging right there on the rack. It’s almost like it was singing out ot me… “La, la, la, you can buy me now for your own sweet baby, tra la la…” It took everything in my power NOT to put it in my cart.
Then today I came across a blog that is extremely cute called Michelle Chapell Photography in which she posted about these dress kits on Etsy. Oh my gosh if those aren’t the cutest things, I don’t know what is! Of course that would mean I would need a sewing machine and well, I don’t have one of those. Guess I’ll just have to go for the “ready to wear” styles. They will work too…
Oh and a few weeks ago I was twittering about these shoes. I resisted the very strong urge to buy them and someone else snatched them up.
But folks, it’s clear that I am on an extremely slippery slope here…
Stay tuned for further posts in which I was not so strong. Trust me, they are coming.
P.S. Thanks SO much to my friend Wendy who gave me two bags of cute baby girl clothes to help “take the edge off.” Tim is very grateful! : )
I’m so happy your having a girl and get to go in debt like the rest of us with all the fru fru stuff, lol. Everything is soooo adorble from the bows, shoes, stockings, leggins, bloomers and etc.. :o)
It is a lot of fun
While I’m thrilled that I’m having Boy #2, and I hope to have more boys after that, I must admit that the baby girl clothes are way fun. Enjoy!
You are funny! LOL
I will try not to feed into your little trying not to buy habit! 
I have a feeling if I were to have a girl, I would be in the same boat you are.
In fact, I often squeal at little girl stuff in the store anyway! LOL!
I can’t wait to bring you some little goodies for her to BlogHer!
EEEK! I jst had to squeal with you! It’s so super fun! But NOW I find myself saying, oooh…look at that cute boy outfit, they never had cute little boys stuff when my boys were babies:)
Shopping for girls is so much fun! I just LOVE those dress kits…I may have to order some!
very fun indeed!!
but thank goodness the “edge” has been removed… for now
It never stops! I just walked by the girls section at Target the other day and could have easily grabbed one of everything, and that was without looking closely. I’m going to learn to sew because I want to make cute, unique things for Butterfly, and hope that the work involved helps take the edge off a bit. But I doubt it will.
How cute! I totally agree, that baby girl clothes are the cutest!!! I’m so excited for you & I’m sure that is going to be one fashionable baby girl! haha
Once you move, google all the consignment shops in the area. That is a great place to get some really cute girl stuff at half the price.
I know why God only gave me sons…because if I have a daughter she’d wind up being the best dressed homeless kid at the shelter! My sister just had the first GIRL in the family and I have very much loved the shopping for pink! ENJOY!
Oh, I can just imagine! I think the clothes they have for girls in Gymboree are amazing and oh-so-cute! It must be so much fun (and yes, dangerous!) to be shopping for a little girl now!
“To take the edge off”–love it!
Oh, I so get this!!!!
Girlie shopping is SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!! I am thoroughly enjoying myself.
I know how you feel , i was in your shoes this time last year accept the other way around (had 2 girls was expecting a son) . I loved looking at all the little boy stuff, even now i so love buying him clothes.
I’ve been doing the same. I’ve discovered I can move past it if I take a picture with my phone and send it onto my mom. A group “Awww” across state lines makes it okay.
yay for girls clothes! I think I will be absent from that section unless one of my sisters has a girl!