I had a startling realization today. My first baby is no longer a toddler or even a little boy, he’s a kid. A full – fledged kid.
In the last couple of weeks he’s been doing so many things by himself. He goes to the bathroom without even telling me. He washes his hands on his own. He even changed into his “play clothes” the other day with absolutely no help from me. Is he leaving for college yet?
Thankfully, no. Although it might be good if he left now because it’s probably a lot cheaper than it will be in 14 years. Yeesh!
When we went out to dinner the other night The B Man and the waiter had an entire conversation about his order without any input from Tim or me. He let the server know that he wanted pizza with only cheese because (and I quote), “I don’t like pepperoni because it’s too spicy and I don’t really like spicy things. And I would like a water please.” This was only half of their exchange. Tim and I looked at each other across the table like, “Did that just happen?” I am so used to ordering for him. But I guess I don’t have to anymore and that sort of makes my heart ache. It seems he needs me less and less these days. And although that can be a good thing (especially since Little G is ALL ABOUT mommy lately), it’s also hard to let go.
Today he and I played our first “board game” together. I use the term lightly because it was an extremely abridged version of a board game in a kid’s magazine. Think like “Cliff Notes” for a board game. You get the drift. But he really got the hang of it and he won. All four times.
Beginners luck.
When did he get old enough to play games? Ones that involve counting and the moving of pieces? His behavior is getting a little out of hand don’t you think? That is if growing up is bad behavior and darn it – I guess it isn’t. Oh well, I tried.
Here’s a conversation he and I had while driving home from aforementioned dinner.
B Man – “Mommy, why do we have a baby brother?”
Me – “Because God gave him to us.”
B Man – “Did God put him in your belly?”
Me – “Yes, he did. You were in my belly when you were a little baby too.”
B Man – “Oh yeah. Did I play in your belly?”
Me – (Laughing to myself) “Yeah, I think you played around in there a little bit.”
B Man – “So were there toys in your belly then?”
Me – “I don’t think so…”
B Man – “Wellll… If I was playin’ in there, then there were probably toys…”
Me – “Because God gave him to us.”
B Man – “Did God put him in your belly?”
Me – “Yes, he did. You were in my belly when you were a little baby too.”
B Man – “Oh yeah. Did I play in your belly?”
Me – (Laughing to myself) “Yeah, I think you played around in there a little bit.”
B Man – “So were there toys in your belly then?”
Me – “I don’t think so…”
B Man – “Wellll… If I was playin’ in there, then there were probably toys…”
In less than a week my first baby will celebrate his 4th birthday. It just doesn’t seem possible that it has been that long since I first met him, and he changed our lives forever. He’s such a smart and beautiful boy, I could go on and on. But I will save some love for next week when he leaves toddler-hood behind. Tissue anyone?
They really do grow up too quickly. My oldest will be 5 this summer. It is hard to believe that he is off to kindergarten this fall.
I love the conversations that they have at this age and how much thought they put into everything. Enjoy those moments.
The Angel Forever
that is too funny that he ordered for himself. that is kirstyn’s favorite thing to do. i have to give her a ‘speech’ before we get to a drive through speaker or she is in the backseat trying to order by herself!!! i love how smart they are at this age. great post.
Big kids ask big questions. Growing up is hard, it hits me every once in a while. The fetal position helps.
Surprise giveaway today. Come see me.
I’ve had moments exactly like this too Elaine, it all happens so fast. It seems you push and push them to be more independent… or maybe that’s just my kids, and then suddenly you are wondering when they became so darn independent.
they are such precious gifts that amaze and astound us every day.
Thanks for the kind wishes for Jack’s surgery, you are a doll!
Ugh, I hear you sister. Why do they have to grow up? Or why do we have to forget what they were like when they were little? I think I miss the baby hugs the most. Big boys still like to give hugs but they don’t have baby cheeks. Growing kids is hard on mommies!!
Oh this post grabbed my heart. My little girl turned four in January. She’s so “grown up” now. It goes soooo fast.
Wouldn’t that be awesome if our kids were born holding basketballs or rattles??? lol
SO cute!
They grow up so fast! Last year when Mollie finished the fifth grade, I cried for a week. And I am not a weepy mom…never have been. It was a shocker to me. But we have to let them go and let them grow.
Easier said than done…I know!
Of course I will pray for him. What a sweetie. I like being Miss Elaine-ous too.