Were the “Pet Shop Boys” boys that actually worked at a pet shop together?
What’s up with the price of gas always having that 9/10 on the sign? If the gas is 2.59 9/10 a gallon why not just make it 2.60 a gallon?
Why do they put plastic on the organic broccoli?
What hurts worse? Eyebrow waxing or a tattoo? I wouldn’t know since I’ve never done either!
Why does the foil on the formula container not pull back AT ALL when you pull the little tab? Can’t they fix that? It’s Two Thousand and Ten.
Why can’t I beat that one friend of mine on WWF no matter how hard I try?
Speaking of games, who came up with Chutes & Ladders? I don’t like them.
Why did God invent mosquitoes? WHY?!?!
Whatever happened to my watch?
Why did I not have any baby wipes in the car the other day when Baby K decided to poop during school pick up time?
How come toddlers find SO MUCH enjoyment in peeling the paper off of all the crayons?
Who ever actually killed two birds with one stone?
And whatever happened to Jeff? (this is a family inside joke but you are welcome to answer it if you know…)
I have never waxed my eyebrows, but I have waxed my lip religiously for the last 10 years. I’m here to say a tattoo hurts much, much worse. But it isn’t that bad.
And you friend you can’t beat? Is cheating.
Tattoos hurt worse because they take much longer. The eyebrow wax is super quick and the pain goes away almost immediately.
Trust me! 3 tattoos and eyebrow waxes 2 or 3 times a month. =)
Yea tattoos hurt much worse but i would do that over my eye brows any day cause my eye brows just grow back worse each time where as my tattoos are always there and pretty lol.
Tattoos hurt a little bit worse, depending where you get them. I have one that I barely knew I was getting, but a few that I DEFINITELY knew I was getting! Eyebrow waxes aren’t painful. Now, Brazilians…
I have my eyeliner tattooed. I would venture to guess that hurts the most.
I’m going to be the odd man out and say eyebrow waxing hurts worse. I have 5 tattoos and I rarely get my eyebrows waxed because I hate it so much! I feel like my face is on fire for the rest of the day.
I used to love Chutes and Ladders as a kid, but man oh man I hate that game now. It drives me crazy to play with E. And the crayon thingy.. I am with you. Although it does help entertain E during church!
I used to love Chutes and Ladders as a kid, but man oh man I hate that game now. It drives me crazy to play with E. And the crayon thingy.. I am with you. Although it does help entertain E during church!
no tattoo here but I imagine it would be painful as an eyebrow was is not….now maybe a brazilian wax would be……
great questions!!!
Love this, and the first question has me thinking! I wonder…
No tatoo here (hate them!) but eyebrow wax was nothing. Very short term pain, like a shot….
ha…all good questions!
On the crayon thing, I never will forget when I was in girl scouts, i peeled all the wrappers off my crowns so they looked pretty in the plastic roseart snapcase. My leader got soo annoyed with me and asked how i would know what color each one was if the name was gone. I held up a crayon and asked her what color this one was. She said Blue…and I said I think I’ll be just fine. Yeah kinda got in trouble for that one! (ps it was Cornflower)
Eyebrow waxing isn’t that bad. And, it gets easier each time.
I have a crayon peeler. I know exactly what you’re askin. Why? Why? Why?
Let me know if you figure out that mosquito thing. I really want to know that one too.
tatoos hurt far worse than any kind of waxing. eyebrow waxing is NOTHING.
Hahaha! I hate Chutes and Ladders too. It takes FOREVER!!!!! Blahhhh.
My tattoo didn’t hurt much but I think it depends on where you get it.
I want to know the answer to this one, too! It’s long bothered me.
What’s up with the price of gas always having that 9/10 on the sign? If the gas is 2.59 9/10 a gallon why not just make it 2.60 a gallon?
I do believe that I have asked many of the same questions.
Eyebrow waxing gets easier each time…it’s almost like they get used to it. I’ve been doing it long enough now that my eyebrows are all, “What else you got?”
And the best way to find your watch is to go buy another one. As soon as you get the new one home, you’ll practically trip over your old one. Don’t know why it works, but it does!
I think eyebrow waxing is more painful. Though I’ve never gotten a tattoo in a particularly painful spot and anything near/around my eyes drives me nuts.
Eye brow waxing only hurts in the moment (which is pretty quick). I’ve never had a tattoo, but I think that would hurt worse!
I’m with you on chutes and ladders…it takes too long to play!
Why, when I offer my youngest a snack, she doesn’t want it, but she proceeds to eat her crayons?