I got a sewing machine for Christmas but I didn’t make these

Yeah, I hope to sew some things for K and maybe even some other items eventually so I asked Santa for a sewing machine.


I opened the box and saw all the attachments and got a little overwhelmed.

Good thing my Mom shows up on Thursday and can probably show me how to thread the bobbin and help me get rolling sewing. I’m a visual person. And when I say “visual” I mean “lemme watch someone else do it!” kind. I DON’T mean “look at those graphics in the owners manual” kind. Maybe I’m more of a “hands on” learner actually. Hmmmm….

Anyway. God willing, I’m gonna sew SOMEdarnTHING eventually.

But in the mean time, I have friends to do it for me!

This LOVELY lady and I cooked up a scheme on twitter (and email) for her to make these SUPER awesome SUPER hero capes for my kidlets. This was after I saw the ones she had made for her niece and nephew.

Aren’t they just the cutest doggone things? Especially on K? I mean c’mon!!! I’m a dyin’ over here from a cute-attack!!

Thank you again Heather for making the SUPER duper capes. The kids love ’em and I’ve been tying them on A LOT since they opened them up! xo


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