So my friend Tina over at Golden Goodness did this the other day and I thought it was a great idea – some random questions for YOU! Nothing too deep, just some fun stuff. Answer away in the comments and have a good time with it! (my answers are at the bottom)
1. Do you eat breakfast every day?
2. How many times in a row do you wear jeans before washing them (if they don’t get too dirty of course!)
3. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
4. Do you hide certain foods that YOU like from you kids so that they don’t get any?
5. Which celebrity would you most like to meet?
6. Do you shower at night or in the morning?
7. Do you clip coupons?
8. What’s your favorite beverage these days?
9. Have you ever had to break into your own house like me?
10. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off?
Here are my answers:
1. YES! Must have at least a bowl of cereal.
2. Usually 2 to 3
3. Mine is probably Thanksgiving because there are no presents to fret about, not TOO much candy and stuff for the kids and, it’s all about the PIE baby !! (well and some turkey too) Although it may be a tie with Easter because well, you know, there’s lot’s of chocolate then…
4. Yep! : )
5. Matt Damon. Love. Him.
6. Usually in the morning.
7. Not regularly but I just signed up to get the Sunday paper so that will change.
8. Non-alcoholic – Propel water. Alcoholic (no, I’m not one…) – red wine.
9. Obviously.
1. Do you eat breakfast every day? I try to, though sometimes I’m going in too many different directions…
2. How many times in a row do you wear jeans before washing them (if they don’t get too dirty of course!)Usually a few but if they are dirty, obviously I wash them.
3. What’s your favorite holiday and why? I love the peacefulness of Christmas BUT I do most of the Thanksgiving cooking and we have TONS of family around so that is a close second.
4. Do you hide certain foods that YOU like from you kids so that they don’t get any? Not really but my husband hides the Oreos. I don’t like em…
5. Which celebrity would you most like to meet? I have already met Emma Thompson but I’d love to sit down with her one on one again, for a few hours…
6. Do you shower at night or in the morning? Morning.
7. Do you clip coupons? No. Well, yes. And forget them. I aspire to be better at this…
8. What’s your favorite beverage these days? LOVE diet coke with Lime but am trying so hard to stop drinking soda. Alchoholic wise I love a good Sex on the Beach… Though I haven’t had one in years.
9. Have you ever had to break into your own house like me? Nope… but during a power outage I did have to sit outside my garage, with a trunk full of groceries, and wait for 4 hours while my daughter kept having to pee in the front yard.
10. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off? Sometimes… depends on the moment AND on the shoes…
1. Do you eat breakfast every day? Yes.
2. How many times in a row do you wear jeans before washing them (if they don’t get too dirty of course!)
Quite a few, actually!
3. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
Christmas. My faith, my family, summertime!
4. Do you hide certain foods that YOU like from you kids so that they don’t get any?
I used to hide stuff like chocolate, but not anymore now that I’m doing Weight Watchers!
5. Which celebrity would you most like to meet?
Wentworth Miller … YUM!!
6. Do you shower at night or in the morning?
Night, except at weekends.
7. Do you clip coupons?
8. What’s your favorite beverage these days?
Coke Zero.
9. Have you ever had to break into your own house like me?
Yes. But we hide a spare key!
10. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off?
99.9% of my shoes don’t have laces, but I would probably untie them.
1. Do you eat breakfast every day? Absolutely!
2. How many times in a row do you wear jeans before washing them (if they don’t get too dirty of course!)3
3. What’s your favorite holiday and why? Thanksgiving, love the food and having family all around, no pressure with the “gift giving” time of year.
4. Do you hide certain foods that YOU like from you kids so that they don’t get any? Oh yes, chips, my downfall.
5. Which celebrity would you most like to meet? Clint Eastwood
6. Do you shower at night or in the morning? Morning…when I can.
7. Do you clip coupons? Yup, but not enough.
8. What’s your favorite beverage these days? Coffee, I stay away from soda.
9. Have you ever had to break into your own house like me? Oh yea, if you only knew what kind of locks we have.
10. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off? Nope, pull them off with the other foot by the heal, so bad!
1. Do you eat breakfast every day? I don’t really like breakfast foods. I’ll at least have a glass of juice.
2. How many times in a row do you wear jeans before washing them (if they don’t get too dirty of course!)a couple times…but with little ones they always manage to smear something gross across them.
3. What’s your favorite holiday and why? Thanksgiving…it’s the beginning of the season and you can eat, eat, eat.
4. Do you hide certain foods that YOU like from your kids so that they don’t get any? Yes…I can’t wait until they go to bed so I can have a little bowl of ice cream in peace.
5. Which celebrity would you most like to meet? Oprah Winfrey
6. Do you shower at night or in the morning? Morning.
7. Do you clip coupons? YES…check out or to help you in this department…changed my life and my checkbook!
8. What’s your favorite beverage these days? Coke…fizzy from the fountain. And, at this point, anything that has alcohol in it. Ha!
9. Have you ever had to break into your own house like me? No…we have a garage door code thingy…so it’s never been a problem.
10. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off? Never…too lazy for that.
1. Do you eat breakfast every day? Yes, though before kids I never used to.
2. How many times in a row do you wear jeans before washing them (if they don’t get too dirty of course!)2-3
3. What’s your favorite holiday and why? Christmas. I love the decor, the parties, the shopping, the giving, the baking, the meaning and generally the feel of the season.
4. Do you hide certain foods that YOU like from you kids so that they don’t get any? Yes, I hide “fancy” chocolates.
5. Which celebrity would you most like to meet? I have never been a big celebrity person, but I do think it would be fun to sit and have a mommy chat with Julia Roberts or Jennifer Garner.
6. Do you shower at night or in the morning? Morning most of the time, but sometimes night when I just haven’t gotten around to it yet.
7. Do you clip coupons? Yes.
8. What’s your favorite beverage these days? Coffee and red wine (not together)
9. Have you ever had to break into your own house like me? Yes, but I don’t make it easy on myself.
10. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off? I rarely wear shoes with a tie, but when I do I rarely untie them.
1. Do you eat breakfast every day?
Yes…unless I forget. Usually cereal, oatmeal or a bagel.
2. How many times in a row do you wear jeans before washing them (if they don’t get too dirty of course!)
I don’t keep track. Probably too many. Usually until they start to fall off.
3. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
Christmas-Jesus’ birthday.
4. Do you hide certain foods that YOU like from you kids so that they don’t get any?
Yep; especially the chips.
5. Which celebrity would you most like to meet?
Hmm…not that big into celebs.
6. Do you shower at night or in the morning?
Depends on the day. Lately, I’ve been showering at night so I can sleep a little more.
7. Do you clip coupons?
8. What’s your favorite beverage these days?
Water or club soda with lime
Have I mentioned my love for a margarita?
9. Have you ever had to break into your own house like me?
Nope, not yet.
10. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off?
Heck no. I can barely reach my feet to tie them in the first place.
1. I really try to…usually it is something really fast like a breakfast shake. Gotta keep the metabolism up and my headaches away (I usually get one if I skip a meal).
2. 1-2 times.
3. I love halloween (not really a holiday), thanksgiving and Christmas. Mostly because of the time of year. It is getting colder, colors are changing and it makes want to snuggle more with the ones I love!
4. Most definitely…I do not like to share my food and Trinity is like a vulture!
5. Hard one…I have never really been star struck…maybe John Cusak or Sarah Jessica Parker.
6. Depends on when I have time, mostly at night.
7. Yes, but I usually do not use them. Go figure???
8. Before I was pregnant Dr. Pepper was my favorite but now I love Coke. So hard to give up now that I am trying to lose weight.
9. Yes, my dad locked me and him out while Trini was taking a nap as a baby. I became a crazy woman trying to get into the house.
10. No, but I should. My shoes would last longer.
I think I will just copy this and put it on my blog. Is that cheating?
1- No, though I know I should.
2- As many times as I can without looking nasty.
3- Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4th of July (thats an awful lot, huh?)
4- I HAVE to otherwise I wouldn’t get to eat. My boys eat everything they see!
5- Hmm. Bono, maybe?
6- Depends on when I can sneak one in. Either while the boys are napping in the afternoon or at night when they are sleeping.
7- Yes.
8- Captain and Coke (I told you I’m becoming and alcoholic!) or sweet tea. Or coffee.
9- Nope.
10- Nope. Just slip em off like a lazy turd.
1. Only on weekdays…on weekends I usually sleep late enough that I’m not hungry until lunch.
2. 2- once to work on Friday and then again on Saturday. They always get dirty with whatever I’m doing on Saturday, so into the wash after that.
3. Halloween. I love dressing up! And chocolate!
4. No kids. And I don’t have to hide stuff from the hubby. I just say “Don’t eat that. I want it”.
5. Hmmm. Toughie. I’d say Orlando Bloom cause he’s a totally hottie, but then I’d probably spend the entire time drooling on myself. So maybe not. Maybe Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs. I like his sense of humor.
6. At night, after the workouts.
7. Nope. I carry them around with me, but in truth they all expired in August of 2003.
8. Since I’ve had the cold, I have to go with Beef-ade. Sans cold, I’d have to go with Gatorade Fierce (the blue kind).
9. Not since we moved into this house. Other houses yes, but for this house I got smart and hid a key.
10. No. Although come to think of it, a lot of my shoes don’t have laces anyway.
That was fun. I’m totally stealing this.
1. Do you eat breakfast every day? I try to
2. How many times in a row do you wear jeans before washing them (if they don’t get too dirty of course!)depends on how dirty they get.
3. What’s your favorite holiday and why? I love Halloween, its my absolute favorite.
4. Do you hide certain foods that YOU like from you kids so that they don’t get any? No, I’ve been trying to only keep healthy stuff that I don’t mind them eating.
5. Which celebrity would you most like to meet? Tom Hanks
6. Do you shower at night or in the morning? It depends, if I have to get up early then uaually I’ll do it at night so I can sleep just a little bit later.
7. Do you clip coupons? No.
8. What’s your favorite beverage these days? Iced Tea
9. Have you ever had to break into your own house like me? No
10. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off? No
All I read was Matt Damon.
1. Yes
2. a couple
3. Christmas. I love all things Christmas.
4. Of course!
5. I can’t even name one. Something must be wrong with me!
6. morning
7. nope
8. non-alcoholic – water, alcoholic – margarita
9. yes
10. all the time
1. Yes, something, cereal, cereal bar, bagel, something!!
2. Maybe 2, but you know, they get kind of saggy in the rear after many more than that!
3. I love Easter…it’s the foundation of what I believe in…minus all the commercialized bunny junk.
4. Um, yes…the chocolate or GOOD ice cream!
5. Kirk Cameron – I admire where his life has gone…and he was the first guy I ever plastered on my wall!
6. Morning…the only way I feel fresh.
7. Sure, I clip them. Do I use them? Well…
8. Coke from the fountain when I’m having a cheat day…otherwise, I’m onto Diet Dr. Pepper.
9. Yes…the exterminator locked me out.
10. I don’t have to untie my flip flops…oh, but yes, the running shoes, yes.
Great questions!
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because we get to see family and eat great food and cooler weather is around…such a wonderful holiday.
1. Do you eat breakfast every day?
Yes, homemade bread (breadmaker) toast with peanut butter and either honey or jam. I love my toast so much that I miss it when we are away. There is nothing like homemade bread.
2. How many times in a row do you wear jeans before washing them (if they don’t get too dirty of course!)
As long as they aren’t dirty they go back into the closet… probably 3 times before I slop something on them.
3. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
All of them due to the food assocated with them…Halloween, hello, candy! Christmas – baking, need I say more? Easter…chocolate. You get the idea.
4. Do you hide certain foods that YOU like from you kids so that they don’t get any?
Maybe. I am not divulging this secret, who knows who is reading this. Kamden will go to great lengths to find the stash.
5. Which celebrity would you most like to meet?
I don’t think any, I would be way too intimidated by anyone famous and would make a fool of myself stuttering, that is if I could think of anything remotely intelligent to say.
6. Do you shower at night or in the morning?
Morning. A shower to me is like coffee to most other people. I cannot wake up until I am April fresh.
7. Do you clip coupons?
Not often and when I do, I never actually remember to use them.
8. What’s your favorite beverage these days?
Give me a C, give me an O, give me an F, another F and a couple of EE’s. Mmmm.
9. Have you ever had to break into your own house like me?
Not yet. Give me time. I am positive this will happen in the near future.
10. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off?
Yes, the only ones I have that tie are my running shoes and I paid big bucks for the suckers, gotta take care of them.
What a fun post!
1. Do you eat breakfast every day?
2. How many times in a row do you wear jeans before washing them (if they don’t get too dirty of course!)
3. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
4. Do you hide certain foods that YOU like from you kids so that they don’t get any?
5. Which celebrity would you most like to meet?
6. Do you shower at night or in the morning? You asked, you got it!
7. Do you clip coupons? Nope, I’m way to lazy for that.
8. What’s your favorite beverage these days? Hmmm. Coffee is always the fav, but I’m also enjoying cold Tazo Passion Iced Tea…yumm!
9. Have you ever had to break into your own house like me? Oh yeah, thank God I found an open window.
10. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off? Only if I have to…depends on how tight I’ve tied my running shoes…but, normally I’m in flip flops so that usually isn’t an issue!
oops, I forgot the first half!
1. Do you eat breakfast every day? most of the time…
2. How many times in a row do you wear jeans before washing them (if they don’t get too dirty of course!)hmmmm….don’t have a specific number…usually when they stretch out so much that I am constantly having to pull them up…I guess that depends on how much bending I’ve been doing.
3. What’s your favorite holiday and why? CHRISTMAS…because I love buying gifts!
4. Do you hide certain foods that YOU like from you kids so that they don’t get any? no…but, my kiddos are still too little to steal anything from me. But, I doubt I would anyway, I am not a food hog…that role belongs to my DH!!!!
5. Which celebrity would you most like to meet? Vince Vaughn/Owen Wilson. I’ve actually got a real chance at meeting both of them…email me or ask me when we get together and I will explain!
6. Do you shower at night or in the morning? Almost always at night when there are no kiddos to interrupt!
Elaine, check out my blog post from today *wink*
1. Do you eat breakfast every day? No, not usually…and then I make up for it by snacking too much. Bad, bad, bad.
2. How many times in a row do you wear jeans before washing them (if they don’t get too dirty of course!) 2 or 3 times.
3. What’s your favorite holiday and why? Honestly I love the entire holiday season starting at Thanksgiving/Nadia’s birthday (whichever comes first!) and ending with New Year!
4. Do you hide certain foods that YOU like from you kids so that they don’t get any? Yes, I’m guilty of that….my kid is like a vacuum cleaner.
5. Which celebrity would you most like to meet? I know I’m crazy, but I’m really not big into celebrities…they’re just PEOPLE!(but Jaimee, I wanna know about Vaughn/Owen Wilson, too!)
6. Do you shower at night or in the morning? Morning.
7. Do you clip coupons? Yes, I’m a big coupon shopper.
8. What’s your favorite beverage these days? I mostly just drink water, but I love iced tea and homemade lemonade too.
9. Have you ever had to break into your own house like me? Yeppers! Fun times.
10. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off? Rarely untie them…but I also usually wear sandals.
THese are fun. I loved reading your answers
1. Do you eat breakfast every day?
I have a protein shake every single morning.
2. How many times in a row do you wear jeans before washing them (if they don’t get too dirty of course!) 2 or 3
3. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
Christmas, although I’m almost always stressed out.
4. Do you hide certain foods that YOU like from you kids so that they don’t get any? YES
5. Which celebrity would you most like to meet?
Gweynth Paltrow.
6. Do you shower at night or in the morning?
7. Do you clip coupons? no. I need to.
8. What’s your favorite beverage these days?
9. Have you ever had to break into your own house like me? yes
10. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off?
1. Do you eat breakfast every day? Yes. Although now I have to wait until after I drop the kids off at school.
2. How many times in a row do you wear jeans before washing them (if they don’t get too dirty of course!)? Um… depends. I find they get loose if I wear them too much… Probably 2 or 3.
3. What’s your favorite holiday and why? Christmas. I love giving presents & watching people open them. I like the family/togetherness thing too.
4. Do you hide certain foods that YOU like from you kids so that they don’t get any? Sometimes, but not often.
5. Which celebrity would you most like to meet? Rick Mercer
6. Do you shower at night or in the morning? Morning
7. Do you clip coupons? Nope. But Hubby sometimes does.
8. What’s your favorite beverage these days? Coffee. Soda water (which I call Fizzy water).
9. Have you ever had to break into your own house like me? Not really.
10. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off? No.