I Got Conflicts Yo

It didn’t take long for me to find out in our early dating days, that Tim’s birthday was on the same date as my parents’ wedding anniversary. It’s never really caused a problem before since we don’t usually go anywhere to celebrate their union, we simply send a card if I remember. However, this year they will celebrate 50 years of marriage (how awesome is that?) and we will travel to enjoy a big party with them, ON Tim’s birthday. I don’t think it really phases him. Birthdays aren’t a huge deal to him. And I mean, you know, I can make cupcakes for the car. (mmmm, cupcakes in the car. tasty, tavelin’ treat!)

But MY birthday, well, it’s always been a little, how shall I say…. um…


I was (and still am) the only girl and the baby in the family so my birthday was always a “big deal.” At least in my eyes. There was always a party of some sort and cake and friends and presents, etc.

Because of that (and because I just like parties and cake) I enjoy making my own children’s birthdays special and somewhat of a “big deal,” especially when they are younger.

The B Man’s birthday and mine are a week apart, exactly. He’s a week after me.

I figured some day, some how, they might have to coincide.

And guess what. That day is here.

The B Man’s B-Day falls on Good Friday this year (hello my twitter friends who’ve heard my please for help in planning!) and that poses a problem in this very Catholic area, where many people travel for the holiday and have lots of family events.

So, the best I can do (because there are also other conflicts even, besides Easter) is give the B Man his bowling party on MY birthday, a week early.

The things we do for our children.

Then Daddy and I are goin’ out the next night. Got me?

And just so you know all this fuss is about my first child’s SIXTH birthday party. Six, people.

And I was born in 1975 so you do the math.

Good Gravy, where has ALL THAT TIME gone?

That’s LOTS of years of cakes and parties.

But I’m good with it. I hear 35 (uh, I figured it out FOR YOU!) is the new 28. Or something like that.

And I’m goin’ bowlin’ on my birthday and partying with a bunch of munchkins who will make me feel young. And yes, there WILL be cake.

So there.

Guess I’m not so conflicted after all.

And just for good measure here’s a pic from The B Man’s FIRST birthday party.

Gah, he’s cute. And apparently likes cake as much as his mother.


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