It’s been a little bit tumultuous in my miss elaine-ous life lately and my emotions have seemed to get the better of me. Ever since I busted up my car (which I got back early by the way), I’ve felt a little “off.”
Let’s just say there’s been a little crying around here in the past few weeks days and I am going to officially put it out there – I am in a “funk.”
(and apparently I am going to put quotes around the last word of every paragraph).
I don’t want to have a pity party or anything so I have come up with a few ways to help clear the fog and hopefully move back into my “happy zone.”
(uh – there “they” are again…)
1. Retail therapy. While the kids are at school today I plan to find some new Fall-ish decor items for my house. I am armed with coupons and sale flyers to a couple of places. New pretties for the house always cheer me up.
2. Chocolate. Enough said.
3. Working out. (I know this doesn’t really go along with #2 but bear with me). I had forgotten what it’s like, that feeling you get after working out. There really is something to be said for endorphins. Too bad it doesn’t last longer…
4. Cooking. I do like to cook things from scratch. I haven’t been cooking very much lately. I haven’t really wanted to for whatever reason. So today (also planning on going grocery shopping) I hope to gather the goodies to cook some decent meals again.
5. Sleeping. I’ve promised myself I will go to bed earlier this week. If this one works out it will be a miracle but I really do need my 7 to 8 hours and it’s been a while…
6. Having lunch (kid-less) with a friend. This is the plan on Thursday. It’s going to be a little surreal because it’s usually us AND our kids, but since our kids are in the same pre-school we’re going out by ourselves! WOO HOO!
7. Maybe a pedi after lunch? Yeah…. that sounds good! : )
8. Prayer. Never underestimate the power.
9. Less time worrying, more time taking it all in.
10. Some more chocolate.
Stay tuned for possible updates on how my Ten-Point plan works out…
Also, if you have yet to put a comment here for the giveaway I am doing get to it!
We all get into these “funks” from time to time, the main thing is that you have some awesome coping strategies! I would have to agree with most of them
Hope you’re feeling a bit “brighter” soon! ((hugs))
Sorry you’re feelin’ “funky”. Check out It is my newest, most favorite funny site. You have to start at the beginning to get the full effect. Hopefully that will make you laugh so hard you pee your pants a little!
It must be in the air down here, because we all seem to be in that fog. Great suggestions. I will try them, too. Does walking to the cabinet for chocolate count as exercise?
You forgot wine, Elaine!
I say pedi and prayer!!!
I’ll say a little prayer for ya too–it will get better
I feel you girl… I’m right there with you.
tu tu tu tu TU FUNKY TOWN! Is it strange that this was one of the first songs my son learned to sing?
Mmm-hmmm… I’m right there with you. And I have a head cold too. Yuck. I like the idea of a pity party, though… It might cheer us up. Parties are fun, after all. Will there be balloons, do you think? Coffee and cake? Any party I’m having will always have coffee and cake…
Hope you feel smileyer soon!
Elaine- I vote for a few of those little pumkins from the groc store for your house decor. They make me smile and are only about 75 cents each. I am having a horrible time figuring out a work-out routine and I am so ready to love my 15 baby pounds (plus an extra 10!). I have a great chicken spagetti recipe that I will email you. -Jen
oh i sooo get in these funks. for no good reason sometimes. but your list looks like a winner. so happy shopping and goodbye funk!!
Chocolate and retail therapy just always help the funk. Hope the week improves my friend.
And it will.
I am right there in the funk with you. But I did go for my first run in a month (I pulled my ACL) and WOW, what a difference exercise makes. WOW! I felt like a new person.
Sounds like you are taking the right steps to make yourself feel better. Keep us posted!
This list will work to send those funks back to funky town! And I am singing that song over and over again….
Hope you had a great afternoon to yourself!
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t experience the “funk” every once in awhile. I hope your ten point plan works out. I imagine that since two of them are chocolate you are certainly on the right track. What is it about cooking that is so therapeudic? I am the same way!
I really like this plan…I could so hang out with you!!
I hope you’ve had a lovely day!
I know what you mean about the funk. All of your things are awesome what you are planning on doing.
They worked for me…sometimes we just need to focus on “us” and tend to our needs a little more…although it is so hard to do!
Keep us posted…and want to give ya some (((hugs)))
I’ve been in and out of funky-town myself lately. I’ll be looking forward to updates on the effectiveness of your stragies. Remarkably, last night I was in a funk and told Husband so. He told me to go to B&N and get a book and a coffee, but I didn’t. Still, just knowing that I could have helped me feel better. So sometimes just saying I’m in a funk helps pull me out.
I’m right there in funky town with ya right now! I’m hoppin’ on the treadmill in a few minute for those endorphins and hoping for a pedicure asap!!!
Sorry to hear that you are in a funk right now.
Sounds like your list of ten is the perfect medicine!
Man, I can’t believe how many people I’ve talked to today that have said that same thing!
And I LOVE your list – for real, it sounds EXACTLY like my kind of day! Hopefully you’ll get to do at least a few of those things!
I am just coming out of a funk, so I do understand how you are feeling. Retail therapy works well for me until I get the bills. LOL! Actually, all of your ideas look like they would work wonders. Have fun leaving funky town.
oh yeah! i say…workout, get a pedicure and eat and/or bake lots of chocolate. yummy. chocolate… okay, well, now that i can think about nothing but chocolate i am going to go say a prayer for your funk and for my will power!!! love ya!
1st off (((((HUGS)))))) and 2nd I hope your out of your funk soon.
God has been dealing with me on #8 and #9 of your plan.. read my faith-lift friday post and then the Leave it there post I posted today if you want to know how God is dealing with me.
Hope you find that “happy place” soon.
You said it. Never underestimate the power or prayer (and chocolate). I hope you get out of your funk soon.
I think that’s an excellent plan…let us know how it’s going.
I’m starting to think I’m in a permanent funk. Let me know how your plan worked out.
I like your ten-point plan. I haven’t been cooking as much either, or working out. Why is it so hard to get all our shite together all at once?
That. sounds. awesome! I’m living in Funky Town right now, too…I think I need to come up with a plan to bust out, too!
I know exactly how you feel, and judging by comments above we are not alone.
I have been eating plenty of chocolate, but perhaps that alone is not enough?
LOve you ways to feel better! Especially the first 2!
A Daily Dose of Toni
2 Boys 1 Princess
I’m in a big funk myself. It strange how it comes AFTER the kid is in school. It’s becoming a plague all over blogdom. I wish you luck in devouring all the Godiva you can get your hands on.