I am sitting here watching Tiny House Hunters and wishing this was the last day of the month so I would not have to write anything else if I do not want to. In short, I need a break from #NaBloPoMo (only 2 more days).
Back to the show… It cracks me up that these people looking to live in 150-ish square feet complain about how low the ceiling is in the loft and wonder where the toilet is. AND WHY IS THERE NO OVEN? Because you’re trying to live in a closet, that’s why.
I only got out of bed today to open the door for the food delivery guy, take the kids on a short jaunt to the grocery store (they were still out of school for a teacher work day) and plug in my laptop. The poor dog did not even get a walk. Luckily I did put on a bra before I left the house, so I wasn’t THAT mom, with three kids trailing behind her, one holding a thing of ice cream, another holding sugary cereal and one claiming we were going to buy “all the snacks and nothing healthy!” I’ve taught them so well.
Plus I have apparently contracted some sort of nasal plague. My sneezes, y’all, they are something to behold. Or plug your ears for anyway. On days like this my living room ends up looking sort of like a frat house (even though there is a girl, she tends to follow suit with the strewing of crap everywhere). One child even moved his mattress in, like as if he was staying a while or something. And in my room, my nightstand takes on all the dishes and electronics. Soup bowl(s), anyone?
Now I am feeling somewhat better but I always seem to rally at the end of the day and then feel yucky again in the morning. And yes, I am taking medicine. No, I have not been to the doctor yet. They will probably just tell me to take something else why standing there wondering why I came in in the first place. Because no, I do not have a fever and my ears and throat do not ache. I’m just tired of feeling tired. And sneezing like my head is going to snap off.
Anyway, I think I will stay living in my non-tiny house for now. I like having toilets that flush and are not in with the shower. I also like my space. This way I do not sneeze ON anyone when an attack happens. Perhaps this is why I watch these shows, to make me realize what I have and do not want. P.S. People, tiny means TINY.
The End
See y’all tomorrow. And the next day. But probably not for a few days a week or longer after that.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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