I have so much to show and tell about our trip to Canada and right now I am still processing it all.
I guess I could start with the people we spent time with, that mean SO very much to me. Just as I type that I begin to tear up because I love them so much. And now I miss them again…
My cousin Misty is like a sister. She and her younger sister, Amanda are just that to me, the sisters I was gifted with, but only from different parents.
Misty married an awesome Canadian guy and they are raising their gorgeous, sweet, big family in what I can only call God’s Country.
The moment I saw her face, in the airport at 1 a.m. (2 a.m. to our bodies) last Saturday, I felt at HOME. She is part of my heart-home and always will be. Yes, she is my cousin but again, to me she is much more than that and her kids are like my nieces and nephews.
Our first few days were spent with them at their lake “cottage” a bit north of Edmonton. It was a holiday weekend for them so we got an extra day to go boating, drink margaritas on the deck (she’s STILL a Texan too, y’all) and thoroughly enjoy each other’s company. Oh, and EAT!! (Captain Crunch French toast anyone??)
Her husband Mark kept the “Sea-Doo” gassed-up for Tim, who couldn’t get enough of riding it, and he made sure my kids had plenty of boat and tube rides to last them until at least next month. 😉 Oh and HE made that French toast mentioned above!
As I sat next to my sweet “Cousister” on the swing on the back deck, chatting and taking in the amazing view, I pictured myself NEVER leaving. Our 10 total kids swam together, played together, ate together (well, except for her baby boy who ate with her… ;)) and passed out asleep late at night together.
And Misty has two little girls who are close to Katie’s age so the three of them were like three peas in a pod. It was the cutest.
Not to mention her husband and mine share a brain.
I really wish we lived closer together. And I am already contemplating how I can drive my kids up there during another future summer and spend more time.
Here, you can see why…
(and yes, we ALL wanted to take the baby home with us…)
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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